My Grandad Gordon can do magic ! ! !
We have had a very very busy day today. We got up early and headed into town for a town day. Our first stop was to see Paula, our midwife. Everything is going great with our new baby, she is growing well and fast. Paula said she is a big baby. Mummy said bugger. Paula didn't want to know what sex the new baby is, but Mummy let is slip, so now she does.
After that we brought a bakery lunch and went to the park so we could have lunch and a run around. I do like a trip to the park, so that was all good for me. After lunch we did a bit of shopping, we brought a box for me to keep all my craft stuff in. That's a good idea, I can never find anything!
Next we went to see my French Boys. There was only one there today, the other two were out and about with their Mummy. Luke slept through the whole visit, so we tipped the Lego on the floor and made things. If he was awake we wouldn't have been able to do that because there are lots and lots of little pieces.
Our final stop for the day was to visit Gran and Grandad. We played there all afternoon and stayed for tea. In the pictures you can see that Grandad was showing us his magic toy, it is a spinning top and when you spin it properly it raises up into the air. It was very very cool, but I couldn't make it go (neither could Gran).