And then there were three . . .


Daddy help . . .

Monday, 30 April 2007

Today my Daddy was the Daddy help at Kindy. That means that Daddy and Luke got to stay for the whole time. It was nice to have them there for a whole session. It meant that I could show Daddy what I get up to at Kindy.

One of the Mummies asked Daddy if he was the Daddy help and told him he would look quite good in a pinny. Daddy told Mummy that she is a hot Mummy. Mummy said she sounds like a slapper. I have no idea what all that means at all. I just know that it was good to have Daddy and Luke at my Kindy.

What a score . . .

I was a Kindy boy today. I had a brilliant time! I don't know what Grace has been complaining about. If they sent me to Kindy three afternoons a week I would be delighted!


Shopping and visiting . . .

Sunday, 29 April 2007

We went into town today to do some messages and some visiting. We started by going to Gran's house to meet Daddy when he had finished work. Gran and Grandad weren't even there when we first got there. They went for a 37 kilometre bike ride! That is a lot of kilometres, I can't even count that high!

Our first stop was to go to the Mall to have a bit of lunch and to do some shopping. I love going shopping. I am getting very good at it. I had some money in my wallet so I was allowed to go to the $2 shop. I brought some things for my craft box, some nail polish and some chalk (we did have heaps and heaps of chalk - but somebody put the hose in the container and now it is all trashed).

We dropped in to see my Great Nana and Grandad to see how Grandad is getting on with his sore heart, but they were out and about so we couldn't visit with them. Next I think they went to see Uncle Aaron, Aunty Megan and the twins, but Luke and I missed that visit because we both fell asleep in the car.

The rest of our day has been spent hanging out with Gran and Grandad. We have been playing at their house, we had tea there and Gran gave Luke and I a bath .
Today I slept for about two hours in the late afternoon. We all knows what that means. Yahoo - party at my house!

You can drive this time Gracie . . .

Grace pretended to drive while Daddy was in the supermarket. I didn't get a turn. I think I would like to have a turn though.

It was very funny when Daddy really started to drive and Gracie had turned all sort of things on. She is good at pushing all the buttons.


It hasn't been a white trash day . . .

Saturday, 28 April 2007

We didn't get to have another white trash day today. This morning, after breakfast, Mummy went to have a bath and Luke and I both followed her up to the bathroom and climbed in too. I think we need a bigger bath, it was pretty crowded in there. Because we had had a bath we put on some clothes, it was not a PJ day. Bad luck really.

Also Mummy turned the TV off. We have eaten lots of fruit platters today, listened to lots of music, done lots of dancing, read lots of books, played with the blocks and the little people toys. I also helped Mummy to make a banana cake and I cut up the vegetables for tea. It has been a very busy day.

This morning we also had Paula came out for a visit to check that everything is okay with Kate. Paula was very pleased with how well our new baby is growing (more conversations were had about how she is a big baby). I helped Paula to take Mummy's blood pressure. I also helped with the machine that listens in to Kate's heart beat. When Paula was gone we played Midwives again and I was in charge of the whole checkup. I think I would make a very good midwife.

Did you know that I am 17 months old today . . .

I fell asleep in my highchair during my lunch today because I was . . .

very, very, very . . .

very tired . . .

Also today I found out that little green tables can help you to reach the microwave. Now I just have to figure out how to open the fridge and fill my bot up with milk . . .

Little green tables can also help you to see what your big sister is up to . . .


White trash today . . .

Friday, 27 April 2007

We have been white trash day today, Daddy has been looking after Luke and I. He worked from midnight until 7 this morning, so we have been having a quiet day. Well Daddy has, Luke and I have been busy as usual.
I haven't taken my PJ's off all day. We had ice cream for lunch. We have watched lots of TV. The fire has been going all day. Nice.

Hmmm ice cream for lunch . . .

We had ice cream for lunch today. Nice.

The only problem with ice cream is that is does tend to go everywhere . . .


Thursday, 26 April 2007

We have our Daddy looking after us again today. This morning it was a bit chilly at our house and Daddy lit the fire! I love it when the fire is going. So does that rat catching bastard Henry. We might have to change his name, he hasn't caught a rat in ages and ages.

After lunch today Daddy took Luke and I into town. It was a Kindy day today. I did some more painting and some wooding. We also did some dancing with Aunty Trina today. I also fell over on the bark and cut my hand a little bit. That wasn't very nice.

After my bath today I put on a show for Mummy and Daddy. Ladies, Gentle people, Audience and babies . . . I was the show person and everyone else was the audience. Nice. It is always good to have a captive audience.

Finally . . .

. . . I managed to have a turn on this game that everyone has been playing lately.

Sometimes it isn't very nice being the littlest one - I'm not allowed to do anything!


Grumpy pregnant people . . .

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

My Mummy didn't have to go to work today, because it is ANZAC day, so it is a holiday. I have no idea what ANZAC day is - but it has been very nice to have my Mummy home today. I wanted to go out, to a cafe for lunch. But pregnant people are very sore and very grumpy (and don't like it when little girls wake them up four times during the night and little boys wake them up three times).

We have had a home day today. We sorted out all the toy boxes. I found heaps of stuff that I had forgotten about, so that was a bonus. We did some housework, played outside and I helped Mummy make the Lasagna for tea. I told her I wasn't going to eat it, but she said Mia said I had to try something ten times before I will like it.

I ate all my Lasagna, so did Luke.

Getting my own dinner . . .

Sometimes I get hungry and no one is paying attention to me.
That's okay though, because I can open the pantry and get the biscuits out.
What I get do is open the biscuit container. I do need help with that bit.

Girl on a swing swing high . . .

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Daddy took Luke and I into town again today. First we had to do some messages. Then we went to visit Gran. Did you know that I can swing myself now on the swings! I am very very clever!

After that Daddy took me to Kindy, I don't know what he did with Luke while I was at Kindy. They don't tell me anything. But that's okay because I don't tell them anything that happens at Kindy.

We didn't go to a cafe.

Visiting . . .

We went to visit Gran.

She helped me make a sandcastle.

Thanks Gran.


Back to Kindy . . .

Monday, 23 April 2007

This morning something terrible happened! My Mummy went back to work. I put my shoes on at the door and held her hand all the way to the gate, but when we got to the gate she made me stay at home and she went to work all by herself. I cried and cried and cried.

So today we had just Daddy and no Mummy. This morning Daddy took Luke and I into town. We went into town and did some messages, then we went to see Grandad Gordan at work. Luke and I were allowed to climb up onto Grandad's digger. Nice. I wasn't allowed to turn it on though.

Then we went to visit Gran. We had lunch at Gran's place (with food that Daddy took from home). Megan I told Daddy we should go to a Cafe for lunch, but he said no (how very rude - I love going to Cafes for lunch).

After lunch Daddy took me to Kindy. I had a nice time at Kindy, it has been a while since I was there last (because of the holidays). Today at Kindy I did painting and wooding.

Hello Grandad . . .

We went to visit Grandad Gordan at work today.

I got some cuddles and I also got to sit in the digger. Nice.


My Daddy is a bit mad really . . .

Sunday, 22 April 2007

This morning my Daddy drove all the way into town to go to work. He worked from 5 am until 10 am. Then he came home.

When he got home he finished stacking all the firewood. It has taken hours and hours and hours of his day - but it is all done.

Then he cleaned out the car, vacuumed the car and washed it in the outside (he said he was allowed to because it has been nearly a week since it was last washed).

Yes my Daddy has had a very busy day (and tonight he starts work at midnight and goes until 7 am when he has to came home and look after Luke and I).

He is very lucky that I have been so very very helpful today.

I helped too . . .


Goodbye Megan . . .

Saturday, 21 April 2007

We have been on a big trip today. We drove over to Picton so Megan could catch the Ferry back to Wellington. She hasn't been on the Ferry in nearly 20 years. I'm not sure how long that is, but it sounds like a really really long time. When we got to Picton we had some lunch, while we were waiting for lunch Megan and I went to the bookshop so she could get a book to read on the Ferry, and she brought a book for me too! But I didn't get to read it on the Ferry, I read it on the way home (thanks Megan).

Before we dropped Megan off at the Ferry we went to the park. In the picture off the pirate ship I am standing right up the top. Luke wasn't allowed to go up there because he is to little. We had a play at the park and then walk over to the Ferry Terminal. I saw the boat Megan went on, it was huge! I don't know how she is going to manage to row it all the way to Wellington! Good luck!

After that we went back to the park. We went on a little train, it is only 20 cents for a ride! That's a bargain! We went on it twice! I also got to go on the Merry-Go-Round. First I went on a yellow plane, then I went on a blue plane. I was quite keen on going on a horse, but Mummy said no they didn't look like a good idea for little girls, because if you don't hold on the whole time you will fall off. I didn't like to sound of that at all. I was more than happy to go in the plane.

Finally we drove home again. By the time we got back to Nelson Luke and I were both very grumpy, so we stopped at Gran and Grandad's house for a visit. Nice it is lucky for us that they live on the way home.

Thanks for coming to stay at our house Megan, I told Mummy that I liked having you to stay and that you should come back again.

Grandad Alan I have a good idea . . .

We went for a huge drive today. We went all the way over to Picton so we could take Megan to the ferry. She has gone home today. I liked having her around, she is a fun visitor (and we have been out and about all week - nice).

When we got to Picton I did get to have a long play at the park. We also went on the little train twice. It sucked when Gracie got to go on the Merry-Go-Round though, because I am to little and wasn't allowed to go on it. Grandad Alan I think you need to get one for your village and then I could go on it! That's a good idea.

I slept all the way to Picton and most of the way home. Excellent that means a late night for me.

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