And then there were three . . .


Good advice from Daddy . . .

Well I was right, I was awake a lot last night, at least four times. The last one was 5.30 this morning. Having gone to sleep so early I was wide awake and of course I wanted a bot. She was very grumpy and tired, I heard her muttering something about three nights in a row - I have no idea what she was talking about.

It took a very long time to win her around but I eventually got a warm bot. Daddy came in to say goodbye and he was laughing because he had heard the dramas.

Daddy said when he first met my Mummy she used to get cross with him, but not for long because she couldn't stay mad at him for long. But that changes, so be cute while I can.

Now there is something to worry about.

We went to Playcentre this morning and I did lots of painting and making pictures and of course playing outside.

I had a huge sleep this afternoon (I was very tired having been awake so early - now I have lots of energy). Nice.

Baby Wednesday . . .

We went to Playcentre this morning and I saw my friends.


Morning kindy . . .

This morning Mummy, Luke and I went to visit Aunty Trina at her Kindergarten. It is a brand new Kindergarten and she is the boss of everybody. I have had a very very busy morning. They had mat time and sang songs and played games, I played with the playdough, did some painting with marbles, had a swing, checked out the climbing frames and had a go, of course.

They also have a rabbit there. I used to have a rabbit but they gave it away to Vanessa, apparently rabbits are stupid pets. I don't know about that - I liked my rabbit.

We stayed at the Kindergarten after all the kiddies went home and I got to play with all the toys all by myself. Aunty Trina has a very cool job.

Then we went to see Gran. I took my bike in so I could show her how I can ride it. She got her bike out and we both rode around the back yard. Gran is very good at riding her bike.

We hung out there most of the afternoon and Gran made me some eggs for my tea, then I had a bath there and on the way home I fell asleep in the car. Mummy thinks I'm out for the night.

We shall see.

And my favourite person is . . .

Mummy says it is just a coincidence!


You have to move fast around here . . .

Today is Monday so this morning we went to Playcentre. The weather was nicer today than last week so there were plenty of kiddies to play with. We did some group painting outside on huge sheets of cardboard. I painted a kitchen with a table and a chair. Tiana and I read some books to Luke. Tiana has a baby brother who is two months older than Luke, so she is good at reading books to babies.

When we left Playcentre we went to Mummy's school for a cup of tea. Again there were lots of people talking about when she is going back to work, she said something about in seven weeks time.

That's not long, it's a good thing I've got Gran and Daddy on standby.

I got into trouble this afternoon. Mummy was washing the floors and Luke was unguarded in his bouncer. I tried to lift him out so that I could put him to bed in my doll's bed. He is very very heavy, I got busted before we got very far. You have to be quick around here.

When Daddy got home this afternoon he went and had a sleep with Luke so Mummy and I have been playing outside. We went out the gate and I rode my bike up and down the drive. Then we had to clean out the car, then I got to drive the car while Mummy sat in the passenger seat. We went to the movies.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

Look where she put the pencil.

That's a worry.

Also look how this thing is falling about, that is because Grace keeps sitting in it and busting the strings.

And she's off . . .

Last night I helped my Daddy make popcorn so we could eat it when we watched the rugby. As soon as all the popcorn was gone I was bored with the rugby and went to play with Mummy. She was delighted because Luke was in bed and she was just lying in bed with a cup of tea and reading her book. Obviously she was a bit bored and just waiting for me to go and find her.

I made a play hut today. Mummy had hang a whole heap of washing on the clothes horse to dry, but I really needed it so I chucked all the washing on the ground and we put a sheet over the top for a play hut. And of course no house would be complete without a phone.

I have been showing Luke how to play Tigers this afternoon. I can't wait until he is big enough to play with me I think he would like to play Tigers, we will have lots of fun.

When Daddy got home today Mummy took me across the road to the school with my bike. They have been trying to get me to peddle it by myself since Christmas time (they being Mummy, Daddy and Gran - but mostly Gran). Today at home I sat on it and peddled down the length of the path. That's why we went across the road, I ran out of room.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

I watched the rugby with my Daddy last night.

It was riveting.

By the way I am six months old today.


Chipmunks and Rubgy . . .

We went into this morning and picked up Aunty Mary and Mia and we went to Chipmunk's! We had a great time, there is heaps and heaps of things for girls to do at Chipmunks.

They have an enormous slide there that you have to climb up lots and lots of steps to get to it. Mummy showed me how to climb up the ladder and then how to slide down, so I could do it all by myself. What a rush, I loved it.

After Chipmunks we went back to Aunty Mary's to visit with the rest of her clan. They have got a huge puddle by the door and you are allowed to take your shoes off and play in the water. Nice.

Next we went to see Gran and Grandad, we had a cup of tea and Gran had my animal biscuits so all was good there. I played with Gran and Grandad, they have lots of toys and ideas for games at their house. They wore me out though because I fell asleep on the way home.

Apparently there is some big rugby match on tonight that they are all excited about, but not Mummy. She says she doesn't care about the stupid rugby. But she did let Daddy put the Sky Sport on so he can watch it. I might have to have a look and see what the fuss is all about.

Still more cuddles for Luke . . .

Today we went to town.

I saw lots of people.

I had lots of cuddles with my Uncle Ian and my cousin Joel.

Look at these two. And people say I look like my Daddy.


Fairies and marshmallows . . .

I have had a very busy day. This morning I had to get all the pillows off all the beds and drag them down to the kitchen to make a big pillow bed so I could read to my toys. Luke wasn't allowed to join in, something about him not being safe balanced on a stack of pillows.

I was allowed to feed Henry Mytton this morning, I have not been allowed to do that before. We made a huge mess, I hope I'm allowed to do that again.

Mummy finally brought me some new bubbles, so I have been outside blowing lots and lots of bubbles. I also stripped off all my clothes and played outside with the baby bath and the hose. When I had finished outside there was a warm bath waiting for me inside. Nice.

I got a parcel in the mail from my Nanny today. She sent me a cool pen, a necklace with my name on it and a princess outfit. My Mummy thinks it is a fairy outfit, but I have corrected her. Honestly! Thanks for my parcel Nanny!

Things I learnt today:
Bubble mixture tastes disgusting.

I am not allowed to stash mini marshmellows down the back of the couch cushions.


Thanks Nanny . . .

Nanny sent me a parcel too.

Thanks Nanny!


Grace and Daddy's day out . . .

My Daddy was going to take me to Playcentre this morning, but he changed his mind and we went into town instead. Mummy and Luke stayed at home and just Daddy and I went.

We went to the park with the big whale and then to Natureland where we had lunch. I also checked out all the animals and feed to birds. I am not afraid to feed the birds even though some of them coming rushing right up to me.

My Daddy has been playing with his new camera again and taking some more cool photos.

Things I have learnt today:


I think the capital letters mean they are serious things for me to know.

Rock-a-bye baby . . .

Checklist of what I have been fed so far . . .

Baby rice - reasonable

Stewed apple - not to bad

Mashed banana - I can live with that

Playdough - ??????????????? Is that really food or are they having me on?


Owwwwww my poor head . . .

We have been awake since 5.30. Luke has started waking up very very early. I think it's funny. Mummy does not. This morning when Luke woke up from his first sleep Mummy was in the shower, so I was a very good big sister and went in to read him a book. He likes that and stopped crying.

Henry Mytton has left a dead mouse at the bottom of the steps and Mummy has covered it up with a bucket. I am not allowed to touch the bucket. My Mummy hates mice and knows that she isn't supposed to project her irrational fears on to me (I have no idea what all that means, but it doesn't sounds good)but she just can't bring herself to move the mouse.

Apparently Henry Mytton is a little bastard.

We went to Playcentre this morning, Wednesday are normally busy days but today there were only eight children (and that includes Luke!) It was very quiet, I played with lots of different stuff, Mummy put the play hut up and I played babies with Angel, played with the water, had a go on the tricycle.

When we got home everyone was tired and grumpy so we all had a sleep. When I woke up I was busting to go to the loo but I was to late in getting to the toilet. I did wees all over the kitchen floor and then slipped in it and fell over and cracked the back of my head on the floor.

That's not funny.

There has been a lot of crying and now I am playing with my playdough and drinking fizzy.

Look out here we go again!

Things I have learnt today:

The spoon goes on top of my tongue.

If you blow raspberries into your food it goes everywhere!

That's funny.


A day of visiting . . .

Last night my Daddy came home with the shopping and I was very helpful and helped him unpack it all. He brought me some great treats, I love it when Daddy comes home from the supermarket.

This morning we went to visit Gran at her house and had to play inside because it was raining so much. We couldn't even go to the park because it was so wet. That's okay though because I can always find plenty to do at Gran's house. I played with the toys, with the train set and read Gran some books.

I showed Gran my new trick. I have learnt to whistle! I was watching someone on the TV put their fingers in their mouth and blow and they made a cool whistling sound. I can put my finger in my mouth and squeal really really loudly. It is exactly the same.

After Gran's house we went to have lunch with Aunty Megan and the twins. I like going to visit Finn and Cleo, but it is tricky to keep an eye on them both at once. I showed them how to play tigers and chased them around the lounge.

After that we went to the shopping mall and I got to go on the rides again, bad luck for Gracie though the horse ride was 'out of order'. That's hardly fair.

I had a coffee at the mall with Mummy, we went to Toy World and brought some balloons and bubbles and then we had to come home.

My Daddy has cooked us a big lamb roast for tea. Thanks Daddy.

More cuddles for me . . .

We went visiting today.

I saw Gran and Aunty Megan and the twins.

I got lots of cuddles.

More than Grace I think, because she doesn't stay still for very long.


Today has been a wet wet day. We didn't go to Playcentre this morning because the weather is horrible and Luke has a cold. It doesn't bother me at all, if it was my choice we would have gone anyway.

When you have a day at home it is very easy to keep busy, this morning we empty out all the toy boxes and sorted them out, it's amazing what you find when you tip out the toy boxes.

I helped Mummy clean the bathroom and make the beds and we made some museli bars for Daddy's lunches.

I smashed up ice cubes outside on the step and when Mummy was busy with the baby I went outside and played in the rain in my tights with no boots on!

My new highchair . . .

I like to sit in this thing.

I don't like when she tries to feed me.

We are having quite a disagreement about that.

I wonder who will win?

I like to think it will be me.


Highchairs and popcorn . . .

We have had a laid back day at home after our huge day yesterday. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been busy and keeping entertained.

Last night a Gran's house Uncle Aaron brought our highchair back, Finn has been using it - but now we need it for Luke. I used to sit in this highchair. Now when Luke is not in it I am allowed to sit in it!

Today I have had my breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea in the highchair. I love the highchair, I am not normally allowed to play on the babies things, but this is different.


We made popcorn this morning, I am allowed to stand on the bench when we make popcorn so I can see what happens, but I am not allowed to touch anything.

Mummy dressed me this morning in a new outfit from Nanny, but when it got wet I put my swimming togs. I have worn my swimming togs most of the day. I think they go very well with winter boots.

I truely am a style guru.

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