And then there were three . . .


Blood and screaming (Grandad Alan you might not want to read this one) . . .

Wednesday, 31 Jan 2007
My Mummy had to go to work today, so one of her big girls came to look after Luke and I. We kept Tania busy all day playing outside on the swings and in the sandpit. In the afternoon we played with all the water stuff. I was in charge of the hose. That's always dangerous for those around me (just ask Jarvee!)

When Mummy had finished work she took Luke and I to the swimming pool across the road, because it is so so hot here today. I love going to the swimming pool. There were also lots of kiddies there today that I knew, so there were lots of people for me to play with.

Tonight Luke and I had our tea at the picnic table, then when I was coming inside I stubbed my toe and ripped the top of it right of (and deeply). There was lots and lots of blood and lots and lots of screaming. Mummy couldn't get a look at what had happened for ages because of all the blood and the screaming. She put me in the bath, and that calmed me right down and washed all the blood away. It is very very very sore.

I now have lots of plasters on my toe, I was sound asleep (in the Mummy bed) by ten past six.

A great afternoon for a boy . . .

We have been playing outside with buckets of water and the boats. Nice. I love playing outside with buckets of water and the boats!


My first day of Kindy . . .

Tuesday, 30 Jan 2007

Today was my first day at Kindy. Did you know that when little girls go to Kindy they stay there by themselves, with no Mummy, Daddy, Gran or Luke! They have teachers to look after the kiddies and there are only kiddies who are three like me at afternoon kindy! It is very different from Playcentre.

I had a great day! One of the Kindy teachers is my Aunty Trina, so at least I knew one person there. Aunty Trina told Mummy that I had a great day at Kindy, I didn't cry, or get sad or miss anyone. I played with the toys and did what the other kiddies did.

She also told Mummy that when I was playing in the family corner I was very bossy to the other kiddies, and organised them into what they should be doing. So all in all I fitted right in. Roll on Thursday when I get to go again (that's only two sleeps away!)

Hanging out with Mummy and Daddy . . .

I didn't get to go to Kindy. I went to the bank with Mummy and Daddy. Banks are very very vey very very very very very boring for little boys.

Next week I am going to Playcentre (that's only seven more sleeps!)

A day with my French boys . . .

Monday, 29 Jan 2007

Today my French Boys came to my house and we all went to Quinney's Bush for a picnic lunch! I helped Daddy to pack the lunch (I am a very good helper).

At Quinney's Bush we played in nearly everything. My French boys brought their bikes out, so I took my bike as well. There is a BMX track there, but I didn't go on that - I just watched the boys go on it. We did all ride our bikes on the skateboard ramp though, I could do that. Matthew (he is the biggest French boy) went down one of the steep hills on his bike, I really really wanted to do it do, but wasn't allowed.

Next we went down to the river. Those crazy French boys went swimming! It was very very cold, I just paddled. The stones were a bit sharp on my feet though. I think I prefer swimming in the pool.


Down at the river . . .

We went to play at the river today. I love the river.

I didn't like the skateboard ramp, because I wasn't allowed to get down, there were too many big kids on bikes. That is dangerous for a little boy you know.


Career options . . .

Sunday, 28 Jan 2007

I have been a great big sister today. Mummy was tidying up the house and I turned on the hose and Luke and I watered the garden. Then we found the baby bath and filled it up with sand (and water) and made a huge mud pile, that was an excellent game, enjoyed by all.

Then I made a picnic, I got lots of fruit out of the fridge, and the chocolates that Daddy brought for Mummy to say 'it's nice to have you home'. We ate all the chocolates and most of the fruit.

While Luke was having a sleep Mummy helped me play my computer game, but when he got up I let him have a go to. Then after tea Luke and I went outside to play and I turned on the hose and wet his hair for him (I don't think he liked it though because he screamed!). I told Mummy it is okay I was making him flasher. He was at the hairdressers and now he is flash (but I didn't have any scissors to cut his hair - so I just pretend cut it). I don't think I would be allowed near the old babies head with scissors (and I can't find them anyway).
Mummy said we are getting a baby sitter on Wednesday because she has to go back to work, Daddy is going to St John's and Gran will still be on holiday. I don't think she needs a babysitter - I could do it!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can do that too . . .

Today I was watching Gracie play her new computer game. Then when she went away from the computer I climbed up on the chair (because I can) and had a go to.
It is harder than it looks, I couldn't move any of the things around like Gracie does.


Off to the Tapawera Show . . .

Saturday, 27 Jan 2007
Grandad Gordan came out today by himself (because Gran is on holiday) and we went over to Mummy's school today so we could go to the Tapawera Show. The weather was a bit dodgy, it spit and drizzled a lot, but that didn't stop us, we just put the rain cover on Luke's buggy (which he HATED) and jackets on the people. Lots of people had the same idea because there were heaps of people there.

We saw heaps of things today, lots of farming type things (of course) - tractors and stuff. They had dogs doing tricks, sheep for shearing (including a massive wild sheep that was found in the back of nowhere - Shrek 2 apparently). They had animals of display - chickens, puppies, kittens, cows - lots of stuff really.

I also went on lots of rides. I went on a wee train, the chair-o-planes, the bouncy castle and on a pony ride! We had a great time, I love going to shows.

I am very very very very very very very tired and I really really really really really want to go to bed (because I was up to 10.30 last night) but Mummy want let me go to bed to early and keeps finding things for me to do. I really just want to go to sleep.

Chickens and bouncy castles . . .

We went to the show today. There was heaps for a boy to see and do (although they did cramp my style a wee bit when they made me have a big sleep in the buggy - under a pink banklet even, how rude!).

Nevermind. I saw some chickens, showed Grandad how I am a standing boy now and went on a bouncy castle. I do like bouncy castles. I think I would like them a bit better if those big kids would slow down a little bit though.


Home again . . .

Friday, 26 Jan 2007

This morning we have been playing with Aunty Bev and Nana. Aunty Bev took me to the park, Mummy was going to take me to the skate park with my bike, but it started raining so we didn't go. That's not a problem though - a girl like me can always find plenty of things to do.

After lunch we packed up the car yet again and headed home. It is very nice to be home. I had a great holiday and it was great to see everyone, but it is also lovely to be home with my Daddy and with all my own toys.

My offical one year old photo . . .

This is the one that is going on the wall, apparently . . .


Swimming in Reefton . . .

Thursday, 25 Jan 2007
Last night we went for a walk with Nanny and we found a boat called Grace! Imagine that, I didn't know there was a boat called Grace!

Today we packed up all our stuff and headed for Reefton, where we are having another sleep over with Nana Hunt and Aunty Bev. Mummy took us to the Reefton swimming pool. They had the best toddler/baby pool ever, it was split into two sections so there was a place for Luke and a place for me. They also had a huge pile of toys for the kiddies to play with.

I was playing with my water guns with Aunty Bev this afternoon, Nana took one of the water gun and got Aunty Bev with it, Aunty Bev ran away from her. She tripped over the path and had a terrible tumble. She now has a lot of plasters on her feet and elbows. Poor Aunty Bev.

Standing boy . . .

Nanny took Grace and I for a walk after tea last night. She got the first photo of me standing up by myself! Clever Nanny!


I did go on a train . . .

Wednesday, 24 Jan 2007

Last night, after tea Nanny and I took the new puppy for a big walk along the beach and along the tip head. I held onto the puppy's lead. Nanny told Mummy that I was on a power trip (I'm not sure what that means though) . . .

We went to Shantytown today, but don't tell Grandad Alan . . .

We went on the train twice ! ! !

We had to walk through the bush to go Gold panning . . .

I went Gold panning (and got some real gold!) . . .

Luke and I sat in the thing with the funny legs . . .

I drove Flick the fire engine . . .

I had a lie down on the old sugery table . . .

Ahhhhhh the puppy took my plug, I told Grandad that I don't want my plugs anymore . . .
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