And then there were three . . .


Dental nurses and new friends . . .

Friday, 31 August 2007

This morning while Mummy was seeing to Kate she put one of my new Dora games on for me to keep me busy. When she was out of the room I was poking around in the fridge and I found a new packet of Jaffa Thins. What a good find, Luke and I ate the whole packet!

I had to go to see the Dental Nurse today (but I brushed my teeth very carefully after all the biscuits!) I was very very good and I lay down in the chair, put the glasses on to protect my eyes from the bright light and opened my mouth up wide. Esther said that I have beautiful teeth. So that is all good.

After that we went to Carolyn's house for lunch. There were lots of kiddies and lots of Mummy's there today. It was the first time that we have been there. At first I found it all a bit overwhelming because there were so many kiddies, and they all know each other well so were all playing. But eventually I warmed up to everyone and I had a great time.

The best bit though was when everyone went home and I discovered Olive, she is basically the same age as me. I don't think we have really noticed each other before because she always comes with such a big group. Olive and played for ages and ages. The Mummy's are going to arrange another for Olive and I. Nice.

Diggers . . . .

We went to a new house today and they have a big boy there. I found lots and lots of very cool toys to play with.

What I like the best was this big digger, because I also found a patch of muddy dirt to play in too. What more could a boy possibly ask for?

Just me and my brother . . .


Someone ring the ambulance I swallowed the phone ! ! !

Thursday, 30 August 2007

Daddy and I went into town today and went to do some shopping. I scored a Vet Ambulance with some poor little animals who need some help. (it wasn't an exit present, Daddy said I was allowed to pick something - I had originally wanted to get a Barbie doll, but I changed my mind) . In the back to the ambulance is a tiny little lap top computer and a tiny little phone. Mummy said they had to be kept in my special box with all the tiny toys in it because they would be dangerous to leave laying around where Luke could get hold of them.

I was playing by myself in the lounge and I put the tiny phone in my mouth. It was (was being the main word there because now it is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) only about the size of a raisin. I had a huge tantrum and cried and cried and cried. I asked Mummy what would happen to the phone now. She said it would come out in my poos. No one is to keen on finding it for me once that happens.

Apparently it is gone forever now.

All the lovely toys at Playcentre . . .

. . . and where did Mummy find me playing? I was lying on the ground and poking stones up the drain pipe!

When Kate and I were in the buggy this morning and ready to go to Playcentre Daddy and Grace were in the car and ready to go off for their Daddy and Gracie day. I pointed at them and said 'Da Gray go truck bye'

I had a great time at Playcentre today. It was pouring down with rain for some of the time and very very cold. Mummy put me in my Nanny pants and in my gumboots, I wore my hat the whole time I was outside. I found the hose outside and spent loads of time playing with that, I played in the water trough. I did some painting and we blew some bubbles. Like I said I had loads of fun at Playcentre today.

After Playcentre Saskia and Isaiah came to our house for a visit. Isaiah and I were wet and cold after Playcentre so we had a nice warm bath. I didn't last very long into the visit though, because I fell asleep in my lunch and had to go to bed.

Two things that happened recently:

I could hear Daddy reading a story to Gracie up in the bedroom because the baby monitor was on. I climbed up to the bookcase and said me too, me too into it. But it didn't work, they didn't come and get me!

I found out that the quickest way to get everyone out of the bath was to do poos in it! I was in the bath with Daddy and Grace and I did at huge poo. They both jumped out very quickly and I was left standing in the middle of the floor (naked and dripping wet) wondering just what had happened. Gracie said I was disgusting, but I have heard a story about when she was a baby and she was in the bath with Kyle and Connor. She did exactly the same thing! Poor Kyle and Connor!

Smiles for Belinda . . .

I was awake for lots of Playcentre today. They put me in the blue bouncer and I sat out in the main room. Belinda came to talk to me, I dropped my bottom lip and was going to cry. But Belinda knows all about babies and she made it all better. Nice.

I need a skateboard . . .

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Today we went for an outing down to the park. Mummy was humming and haaing about going, but finally we did. We brought some pies at the shop and had our lunch down there as well. Luke and I had our lunch right up the top in the little house. Mummy had to come up too so Luke didn't fall down on to the ground.
On the way home we stopped at the skateboard thingy. I think I might have to ask them to get me a skateboard, climbing up and sliding down on your bum is just not the same.

Lots of swings . . .

When Kate woke up from her sleep we went for an outing today. We went down to the local park. I love going to parks, but I think I am the reason that we haven't been to one for a while. Instead of playing on the park stuff I kept taking off to the big storm water drain. It looked like a great place for a boy to play!

When we got home I had a huge sleep and then woke up rearing to go again. We weren't allowed to play outside for very long because of all the mud, but we did go out for a little while. It got very very cold though and started to rain, so I was quite happy to go back inside!

I slept all through our outing today . . .

. . . but I did wake up in time to scream all the way home.
I screamed so much that Mummy picked me up out of the buggy and carried me home in the end.
So she had to push the buggy with Luke in it.
Keep an eye on Grace walking behind us.
And carry me as I was screaming.
Not nice!


Did you know that rabbits have gold teeth . . .

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

We went to Playcentre today and they had an earthquake drill. When they do that you have to duck down and pretend you are a turtle. Then we got out onto the playing fields and run up and down between the goal posts. I fell over today and then cried up to the other end and back.

Other than that I had fun a Playcentre, Belinda did some face painting and I was a rabbit with gold teeth. Then we put water in the sandpit again, I was a bit precious today though and didn't want to get my tights wet. I also played with the playdough with my Mummy.

This afternoon Geraldine took me to Kindy. I was a very good girl for Geraldine, and didn't call her ooey and gooey and pooey at all.
The best part of my day was playing in the sandpit.

Micky Mouse and friends . . .

We went to Playcentre today. Mummy was looking for me all over the place. She finally tracked me down in the outside shed. I had found a curtain that had Mickey Mouse and all his friends on it. I was just standing there looking at them all.

I love Mickey Mouse and all his pals, they are my favourite! What a good find for a boy!

When we got home the plumbers were still there fixing our drains. The plumber said that Daddy was allowed to take me for a ride on the little digger. Excellent! I didn't know that my Daddy could drive diggers!


Break out the black and whites . . .


Words of wisdom by the pool . . .

Monday, 27 August 2007

We were up and organised early today so I could go to my swimming lesson. It was all going very well until Sarah put me under the water! She told me that she was going to do it, I had watched her do it to the other two. In fact earlier in the lesson I had gone under myself when I jumped off the mat to Sarah, but the second time it took me by surprise and I screamed and cried and cried. I didn't like it at all!

While Mummy was watching she was talking to one of the other Mummies (who has a little girl called Grace and the Mummy is called Tracey, that's funny!) and the other Mummy said just look around you and all these parents are here with their children, doing swimming lessons because they love their children and want the best for them. Parents do lots and lots of things for their children for that reason. She said that recently a friend of hers had a little boy turn one year old and the Grandparent wrote a card to the Daddy saying that now you are a Father you will realise just how much you are loved. Nice.

I played with Jacob French after my swimming lesson. Then after I was dressed Ruth did my hair for me (because she knows lots about beautiful hair styles). I didn't want the plaits, I just wanted ponytails. Everyone said my hair is beautiful. The lady at the desk at the swimming pool said Ruth was very kind to go to that much trouble just to upset a little girl. I'm not too sure, but I think they were laughing at me.

After swimming we went to have lunch with Gran, Gran read me Goldilocks and the three bears and then we acted it out. Mummy, Luke and Kate all stayed with me at Kindy today, I love it when they all stay. Mummy and I did some puzzles today and then played with the little toys.

When Kindy had finished we went to have a visit with Jazzy, from my Kindy. I walked to Jazzy's house with her and her Mummy, Fiona and her little brother, Charlie. Mummy drove with the little ones. I had a great time playing at Jazzy's house. We decorated some little boxes with glitter and glue, had some afternoon tea, dressed up, played with the doll's house and played with Jazzy's toys. Mummy says the best part was that Fiona made two casseroles for tea and gave one to us to take home for our tea. She is a kind Mummy. Thanks for the tea Fiona it was very very yummy.

Mummy asked me what was the best part of my day. I told her it was two things. Going to Jazzy's house and spending all day with my Mummy.

Be careful Gran . . .

This morning I was dropped off at Gran's house while the others all disappeared. That's fine by me, I love hanging out with my Gran. Today we were playing in the garden and Grandad has a clay face hanging up. Gran kept putting her finger into his mouth and then he kept biting it off! I laughed and laughed and laughed. In fact I laughed so hard that I went red in the face and had trouble standing up.

Then she tried to get me to put my finger into his mouth! What a mad idea, I wasn't keen on that idea at all!

Gran took me for a big walk and I had eventually fell asleep, after a bonus round of walking up and down the road. It was a good thing that I had a sleep because we all went to Kindy today. I had a great time at Kindy (as I always do). Then after Kindy we went to visit Jazzy and Charlie at their house. Fiona put some baby toys on the floor for Kate, but of course, I had to get in there too so I could have a look. I do like baby toys.

Playing with Gracie . . .

Last night after Luke had gone to bed Mummy put the two couchs together and Gracie made a wee bed for her and one for me. Nice.


Boring old marking . . .

Sunday, 26 August 2007

We have been hanging out at home today. Mummy has been busy marking the big kids exam papers from their practice exam last week, so it has been a bit hard to get her attention today.

Nevermind I have been playing outside with Luke today (because there was a five hour power cut and we couldn't watch any TV). We played with the Playdough outside, had a tea party (but I got into trouble when Mummy found out that I had taken all the milk outside and Luke had tip most of it all over the ground).

When Mummy had finished the marking we went for a big walk and ended up at the Playcentre so we could have a big play. Nice.
(Check out my cool new Dora shoes that we brought yesterday).

I didn't have a sleep again today . . .

We have had a home day today and I didn't have sleep again! Maybe Mummy is getting a bit forgetful and doesn't remember to put me to bed. Something was said about if little boys don't have a two hour sleep in the middle of the day they will be in bed asleep by 6 o'clock instead of 9.30. All I know is that I get very grumpy in the late afternoon.

Today I have been playing with Mummy and Grace today. I said Kate's name today also.

When I started to get very grumpy we went across the road to the Playcentre to play. That was very confusing for a wee boy though because all the toys weren't out. What's that all about then?

I had my tea at 4 o'clock and my bath at 5 o'clock. Now I'm just waiting and waiting until I am allowed to go to bed!

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