And then there were three . . .


Fending for myself . . .

This morning I got my own breakfast. Mummy was busy feeding Luke and I got the bread off the bench and also managed to get into the cupboard with all the spreads. On my bread this morning I had: honey, peanut butter and beef stock. All on the same piece! It was lovely, I ate it all up.

Mummy said if I won't eat what she makes for me, but will eat that crap I can get my own meals from now on. Part of me thinks this sounds like a great idea.

We went to the Toy Library today I got a game, a hobby horse and a doll swing. I am not allowed to climb into the doll's swing. That's okay, I don't think that I would fit.

The frosty patch still hasn't melted at our house, it is very cold in that corner.

I was busted this afternoon trying to get things I am not supposed to have. I really really wanted to play with Daddy's hammer, so took my little table out to the hall to climb up.

Little tables are great because girls can carry them anywhere and can reach all sorts of things. I have also eaten most of Daddy's milky bar chocolate that was in the fridge today, because again, I could reach it.

Oh the tricks I will be able to teach Luke!

Sleeping Checklist . . .

Tired enough for a sleep

Got my Snoppy.

Got my green Teddy.

Had a kiss from Gracie.

Had a kiss from Mummy.

Set my internal alarm clock for 45 minutes.



1 am at our house . . .

We were supposed to go on a Playcentre outing today. But after the night we had no one was in an mood to go out. I was awake for most of the night. I had terrible troubles getting back to sleep. Mummy was very kind and stayed awake with me. Well actually I think 'very kind' is a bit of a stretch, she was very grumpy. Anyway after being awake from about 1 am to 4 am I'm a wee bit grumpy today (but not as grumpy as Mummy).

This morning she refused to get up and get me a bot. That's okay though because Daddy was home today and he did it for me. Nice, thanks Daddy.

This morning Mummy, Luke and I went across the road to the library to get some new books for me to read. I love going to the library. I'm only allowed to take three books home though. Mummy says that's fine because she finds library books very stressful and would rather buy the damn books. I'm not sure what that means, but see I told you she was grumpy.

My Great-Uncle John came to visit as today. He was in the area and dropped in to say hello, so it's a good thing we didn't go on the Playcentre trip.

Today I have been playing with Luke lots. He loves to play with me. I let him come into my tent in the lounge so I could read him some books, I have also been teaching him how to do Row Your Boat (with the actions).

My latest trick . . .

Ho ho look at me.

I can sit up by myself!

I'm a bit wobbly on it.

But I can sit up by myself!


6.10 pm at our house . . .

We went to Playcentre this morning and it was freezing. There are large patches of frost both at Playcentre and at home that don't melt all day. You have to wear gloves outside when you play in those areas. There was lots of playing inside this morning.

We have just been cruising again today. She tried to get me to eat my tea in the bath again tonight. But I'm on to that trick now and refused. I fill up on bread instead. I can get that off the bench by myself.

The bottom photo is the reason why they keep me up during the day. I don't know what everyone does when I go to bed so early, who is there to entertain them? They must be so bored.

June 28th . . .

I am seven months old today.

So far it's all been pretty good.


Move over Tiger . . .

We have a family day in town today. We went into town and went to Chipmunks. I love going to Chipmunks. Today was a good day to go because there were hardly any kiddies there.

I showed Daddy how to go down the big slide. I showed Mummy how to jump in the bouncy castle. Then I showed Luke how to slide down the slide into the balls. Daddy and Mummy did a good job. Luke still has some practicing to do.

After Chipmunks I was allowed have McDonalds for lunch and then they took me to the $2 shop. I brought a golf set and a fishing set.

We went to have a cup of tea with Gran and she was teaching me how to play golf. She knows a lot about golf. That's lucky because I don't. Apparently if I listen and practice hard I could be the next Tiger Woods because he started playing when he was two and I am two. We shall see.

I didn't know that Tigers could play golf. I love Tigers!

Help ! ! !

This was a good game.

Until I slipped underneath the balls.

Then it wasn't such a good game.


Get a real problem . . .

We went to Playcentre this morning and I got into a terrible fight. I was playing on the see-saw with two of the big girls and we were having a discussion about our Daddies. It all devleoped into a very big row and there was some hitting going on.

I ran away crying and went to find my Mummy. I told her that my Daddy does have an aeroplane. Apparently that is funny because my Daddy doesn't really have a plane, but some else's Daddy does.

Mummy said I should get a real problem. How rude.

I am very tired today, for the usual reasons. I have been trying to go to bed all day, but she won't let me and keeps finding stuff for us to do. I did manage a bit of a lie down on the couch, but that was short lived when I nearly fell asleep.

I have been playing dogs today and having been fetching a ball with my mouth and chasing Mummy and Luke up and down the passage. Luke thinks that is a very funny game. It will be nice when he can run by himself and I will be able to chase him without Mummy helping.

Chasing Grace . . .

We have been playing with Grace today. Taking turns chasing her up the passage then she chased us.

Mummy didn't even stop when I threw up all over us, just kept going.

I was laughing and laughing and laughing. I like chasing Gracie.


Fairies and scary movies . . .

I have been have a few disagreements with my Mummy recently. She keeps trying to put jersery's on me. I don't like wearing jersery's because they give me jersery eye's, and thats not nice. (Jersery eye's is what happens when jersery's are tight going on over a little girls head).

Also when it comes to tea in the evenings we don't see eye to eye. I flat out refuse to eat and she tries to talk me into it. I usually win because I don't have to eat my tea. Generally after this row she runs a bath for Luke and I and feeds me my tea in the bath.

Hang on a minute, who was it who won that round?

Today we went into town to see Milly and Michael. Milly is having a princess birthday party soon. Hooray, I'm looking forward to that, I'll have to get a new dress though . . . Today we were trying on Milly's fairy dresses. Michael wasn't to keen to put one on, but Milly and I looked fab!

In the afternoon we went to see Gran and Grandad, they are painting the bathroom, so it was a bit smelly at their house today, and I wasn't allowed to help. That's a shame I'm a great painter. I played lots of games with Gran, she was my baby and I put her to bed, and we made a house in the pantry.

We stopped at the video shop on the way home and Mummy brought me a copy of Stuart Little, Jarvee you must be a lot braver than I am because it scared the life out of me.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

I'm not happy!

Stop taking bloody photos!


Woman flu . . .

We have got the woman flu at our house today. Mummy says it is like the Man Flu, but you still have to do everything. That doesn't sound right. When Daddy had the Man Flu he lay around all day complaining.

Because the woman flu is here we had a slow start to the day, Luke and I didn't even get out of our pj's until after lunch! I had boiled eggs for lunch. I like eating the shell, but apparently you aren't supposed to.

This afternoon we have been outside playing in my sandpit and blowing more bubbles. Hooray, what a nice afternoon for Gracie.

Lunch and afternoon sleeps . . .

Today I had lunch for the first time. Mummy is now going to feed me three times a day.

That sounds like a good thing, but I'm still not overly impressed with the whole food thing.

This afternoon I have had a sleep in the big bed, because my bedroom is to cold.

Mummy brought this barrier for our bed because Gracie kept falling out of bed.


Bubbles . . .

We have our first day at home in ages today. We were swanning around in our pj's and finally all got out of bed at 9 o'clock when there was a knock at the door and it was Molly and Katrise coming to play with me. Mummy had forgotten they were coming over, but that was fine by me, I like playing with Molly and Katrise.

I helped Mummy make the lunch today, I am getting very good at putting things on the bread.

This afternoon we have been outside blowing bubbles. I love blowing bubbles. I chased Henry Mytton around with the bubble gun until he went to hide in the shed.

Things I learnt today:
Henry Mytton doesn't like blowing bubbles.

I am not allowed to point the bubble gun at the baby's head.

Terrible fright . . .

We were outside today blowing bubbles and Gracie left one of the bubble guns within reach.

I managed to pick it up and turn it on.

It gave both Mummy and I a terrible fright.

I wonder what else I can turn on????


Aunty Mary's Kindy . . .

This morning we left Daddy at home and went into town to Aunty Mary's Kindy. When we got there we gave Luke a bath in a special baby bath on the floor and all the kiddies watched. Mummy was lucky that I went with her because I helped her to wash his hair and his arms and legs.

I am very helpful with baby bathing. I wasn't allowed to climb in as well though.

We spent the morning there and I found lots of things to do. A wee girl showed me how to use the computer and I found a doll's house that nobody was playing with.

I had a great morning.

Fully adored . . .

This morning Mummy took me into Aunty Mary's Kindy and I had a bath, on the floor, with lots of kiddies watching me. How very odd.

I was cuddle and patted and read to and entertained very very well though. I was also perfect and didn't get tired until the kiddies had all gone home.

It was very odd being the centre of attention instead of Grace for a change.


A new first . . .

Today was our first day home after our big holiday. This morning we went down to my Playcentre where I got to play with the kiddies and the toys. It is very very cold where we live and we spent most of the time inside.

This afternoon I went to the dental nurse for the very first time! She is the lady who checks little girls teeth. She said I have lovely teeth with good gaps between them.

I had to lie down on the special chair and wear sunglasses because of the big light. She gave me a sticker that smells like mint.

Grandad Gordon told me that I was going to the murder house. I'm not to sure what that means, but I didn't mind going to see the dental nurse at all.

Travelling in style . . .

I quite like tripping around in this, I can see more than I can when I am stuck in the buggy.



Grace's day in pictures . . .

Went up a really big hill . . .

Went on a bus with my Mummy. (Megan Mrs Gordon was sitting behind us!)
Went to Burger King for lunch . . .

Watched our big boat come in . . .

Had to wait in the car . . .

Went for a wander on the boat, it was very windy outside . . .

Fell asleep in the car (before we drove out of Picton) . . .
Had tea with Gran and Grandad . . .

My take on the holiday . . . I like holidays, I like Mummy's friends, I didn't get to go to many parks, but we can blame the weather for that.

We got home at nine pm and Sylvia, our neighbour who has been feeding Henry Mytton and Tiber had lit the fire for us and the lounge was lovely and warm.

Nice, thanks Sylvia.
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