And then there were three . . .


It's been a good day . . .

I have had a great day today. It started with my scoring a bonus bot because Mummy was up with Luke. Nice, I have been having troubles getting her to get up and get me a warm bot, she has been trying to fob me off with cold bot's in the middle of the night.

Then this morning Daddy took us to the toy library. I was allowed to get a work bench and and kitchen stuff to play with.

Most of the day has been spent playing with the toys, I even made my Daddy a cake. but I had to be very careful taking the dish out of the oven - or I would get burnt. Ovens are very dangerous when you don't know what you are doing.

I'm not a morning person . . .

I had a terrible start to the day. This morning I woke up at 5.30 and everything was wet. I was very uncomfortable so Mummy had to get up and completely change me. Then while I was awake, of course Gracie woke up and wanted a bot so Mummy had to get up again and get a warm bot for her.

Then I was snuggled into my Mummy and that is a nice place to be. But she was saying pisser, pisser in a grumpy voice (she reckons that she was just playing) but I didn't like it, my bottom lip dropped and I burst into tears.

Mummy felt terrible and I made it very tricky because it took ages to settle me down again. Finally I did and again I was snuggled into my Mummy, because again it is a nice place to be.

Then Gracie finished her bot and threw it, as she does - we don't know why. The bot hit me in the head!!!!!!!!! My bottom lip dropped and I cried and cried and cried . . .

I don't like waking up in the middle of the night very much.


It's been a quite day . . .

We have been hanging out at home today. Daddy went to work so Luke and I have had our Mummy all to ourselves. Nice.

We have been playing lots of games and reading lots of books. Mummy has been trying to do some school work, but she didn't do any for very long because she had to play with me. That is much more interesting than doing school work I'm sure.

We put Luke in his swing today and he stayed in it for ages and ages. He used to slump down and lean on the ropes, but now he is getting bigger and he can sit up in it. I had to be very very careful when I pushed him though.

Things I learnt today:
I am not allowed to leave little toys on the floor or Luke will put them in his mouth (he gets into everything!).

Chocolate biscuits . . .

Today Mummy gave a whole chocolate biscuit and I ate it all by myself.

Nice. I liked that.


Trampolines and supermarkets . . .

We went into town today and we went to see my big cousins.

They have a trampoline there and all the kiddies can do tricks on it. I can't do tricks on it. I think that I need more practice.

After visiting my cousins we went to see Gran and Grandad. They had a bag of things for me to play shops with. But all the packets were empty. I told Gran that she can come to my house and have some of my biscuits. When we play shops at home we use full packets. I don't think Gran has any food at her house. Someone had better tell her where the shops are.

Cousins . . .

We went to see my big cousins today.

I had cuddles with Joel and Mia.

Mitch was too busy getting ready to go out.


Disco queen . . .

Tonight we went to Playcentre in the dark!

Then we had fish and chips there for tea!

Then they turned down the lights and turned on some really loud music!

Then we danced and chased the balloons around the floor!

Then the big kids popped all the balloons outside!

I had a great time!

I do love a party!

I should be in bed . . .

I'm not sure why I am up. I should be in bed. This is past my bed time.

However I do like watching the lights and the people. The loud music isn't bad either.

This is much better than being in bed!

By the way I am eight months old today.


Learning new words . . .

My Daddy has been at home looking after us for nearly two weeks and I have learnt a new word! When I was in the bath with Luke this evening I told Mummy that Luke is a f#$%^n ratbag. I think Daddy is in terrible trouble now.

Today we went down to Playcentre for the whole session, so I wasn't ripped off at all. We also went to the library with the Playcentre today so I got out a new book for Mummy to read to me. Nice.

I have been helping out again today, I showed Mummy how I can change Luke's nappy. Well I tried - she did most of it.

I am having a bit of a problem with that baby at the moment, he keeps trying to take my stuff! This afternoon he kept trying to take my chippies, so they put him in the high chair and gave him some grated cheese. Nice, I love grated cheese!

Things I have learnt today:
Just because Daddy says a word does not mean that I am allowed to say it too.

Luke likes to share his food with me.

My first finger food . . .

This is fun, I like this . . .


Aunty Ade and me . . .

Gran came out to look after us today. She took us to Playcentre and we were an hour late! But that is not Gran's fault, that is because Daddy didn't take the message properly. So I was ripped off. I think Daddy is going to take me back tomorrow, hopefully for the right amount of time.

I have kept Gran very busy today. We have been playing doctors and shopping. I also helped her to change Luke's pooey nappy. That was a very messy job. I am a very good helper. Gran is lucky that I am here to help her with Luke.

We also brought my horse in from the garage. I am not allowed to go on my horse when Luke is rolling around the floor.

When Mummy came home Gran went home to get Grandad's tea. She's a good Gran.

After Gran left Mummy chased me and tickled me so much that I wet my knickers! Apparently I have an Aunty who used to do the same thing when she was little. That's funny Aunty Ade, I didn't know that about you.

I also did poo's in the bath today. But I don't think Aunty Ade did that though. Did you?

Push-ups and funny faces . . .


No Playcentre today . . .

Nobody took me to Playcentre today. Mummy said that is because it is not a Playcentre today and that Gran is going to take me tomorrow. That's okay, so long as nobody forgets. I like Playcentre.

Today Mummy came home at lunch time and guess who was still in their jammies? Not Daddy, not Luke, just me. Mummy gave Luke and I a bath at lunch time because we didn't have one last night, and now (finally) the taps are fixed so we could have a bath (and apparently it is a good way to get girls into their clothes).

Today we have been playing shops and playing kitchens. It pays to keep people busy, but that means I have to play a lot of games with them.

Things I learnt today:
Luke does not like it when I wipe his nose for him. Big drama queen!

I like the look of that . . .

Right so now I can get all around the lounge and get into Gracie's toys.

What is this thing up here?

I would like to play with that next I think . . .


Back to Playcentre . . .

We went to Playcentre today! I haven't been to Playcentre for ages and ages. It was great to go. The only difference was that Daddy took us today, not Mummy because she had to go to work. I played with lots of toys and lots of kiddies.

This afternoon at home I have been having tea parties with Daddy. Also Bob the Builder has been back so our bathroom is a terrible mess and little girls have to stay away.

We are home alone tonight because Daddy has gone to St John's, but he will be back in the morning to look after us, because Mummy has to go to work again! I don't think I like work actually.

It must be Monday . . .

My Daddy looked after us today.

There's a lot of chopping and changing going on around here.

Not that I'm complaining though. I get to see them both.


No fairies . . .

I have seen no fairies today, just Mummy, Daddy and Luke (and no smart comments please Grandad about any of them being fairies). We have been talking about yesterdays birthday party, I told Mummy that I want a Dora birthday party, I love Dora. She said that is fine but I have to wait until November. I'm not sure when November is, but I'm not to keen on the word 'wait' in that sentence.

Today we have been very busy playing shops and playing doctors. Daddy came home with the shopping and he brought me some plasters, so now I can play doctors. I have also been playing with my baby brother, he is getting more and more interesting.

I have had my Mummy all to myself today (well apart from her looking after Luke as well) she didn't have to go to work again! Nice.

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

See what happens when you are a rat bag and won't go to sleep in your cot. . .

You get lots of cuddles and a are allowed to sleep in the lounge.

They really are big softies!


Party, party, party . . .

We went to Milly's birthday today and I met Fairy Lou! She is very very cool and she is a real fairy! She goes to little girls birthday parties and plays with the all the kiddies.

She read us a story, which I wasn't to sure about because it had monsters in it. Played games with us, sprinkled us in fairy dust, made a skit so we could show the mummies and daddies. She was very very cool.

Milly is five now and goes to school. Happy birthday Milly.

After the party we went to see Gran and Grandad. Luke and I had a bath there because we have got no hot water because of the broken tap and can't have a bath at home. That's okay because I haven't had a bath in the new bathroom before.

Hello again Sophie . . .

Look here's Sophie again.

Last time I saw her we were here for Mikie's birthday party.

Hello Sophie.


Rascals and ratbags . . .

We have had builders at our house today. They have been fixing the back door and our bathroom taps. When Mummy came home I told her 'Bob the Builder is here and he is a rascal because he broke our door'. That's okay though because he fixed it before he went home.

Today we had to throw my Dora bed in the rubbish because it had a big hole in it. Apparently that is why I am not supposed to jump on it. Now I understand why I kept getting told not to jump on it. I might not jump on the next one.

Luke is turning into a rat bag, he is rolling around the lounge floor and getting into my stuff. I might have to keep a very close eye on what he gets up to from now on.

I haven't kicked him in the head today, but if he keeps getting into my stuff I just I might give him a swift kick when no one is looking . . .

On the move . . .

I have been rolling around and around all over the floor today.

I can get to any part of the lounge that I want to.

I can get into Grace toys.



A little bit of white trash . . .

I have spent all day in my pj's. It's easy to see that Daddy has been looking after us today, Mummy never let me wear my pj's all day. I think I quite like it. Thanks Daddy.

This morning Mummy said she had to get up and have a shower to get ready to go to work and I told her 'no don't go because we will miss you'. It didn't work though - she still went.

Today I have been hanging out with Daddy and Luke. We have been playing shops and reading lots of books. We have also been play fighting. I kicked Luke in the head (but not to hard) he didn't even cry! That was lucky or I could have got into terrible trouble!

I might have to kick him harder next time to see if he will cry. I might try it when he gets up from his sleep.

It's pretty tricky being a baby . . .

Now let me see . . .

I was up there, now I am on the floor.

How do I get back up on the Dora bed then?


On a wet Wednesday . . .

She went to work again! So Luke and I have spent the day with Daddy. It's not all bad he seems to know what he is doing so far. Although I did have to make my own breakfast. The good news is also that the man flu is starting to clear up.

Today we have been playing lots of games and Daddy blew my Dora bed up for me. Nice I love my Dora bed.

Nobody has taken me to Playcentre this week, it will be good when everyone is better and we can go out again.

All the toys they give me and what do I want to play with ? ? ?

A water jug!

Of course.

I am feeling much better by the way (for those of you who care).


Put me to bed already ! ! !

Daddy tried to put me to bed. But I refused and then finally I had to give in to the fact that I was very very tired and fell asleep on the floor . . .

That's okay though because Mummy put me to bed when she got home . . .

Waiting for Mummy . . .

I have been waiting all afternoon for my Mummy to come home.

She has disappeared again!

He seems to know what he is doing so far.

I hope someone fixes this thing soon before I fall right through it and land on the floor!
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