And then there were three . . .


Still more presents . . .

This morning we went into town early so Daddy could do a job for Gran, so I got a bonus visit with my Gran today. Nice that is always a good way to start the day.

Then we went to my Playcentre (but not with Gran). There was a man there today with the family photos that we had taken last week, Mummy and Daddy are delighted with them. Mummy said she will put a copy on here later.

This afternoon Mummy came home with two more parcels for Luke and I! Mummy's friend Emily sent me a magic colour book where you paint it with just water and lots of colour turn up and a hair tie. She sent Luke a stacking tower. Thanks Emily and family.

Nanny sent us some very cool cards and I got some more face paints! I love face paints! Luke got a new ball. Thanks Nanny.

Then Tanya came to visit with our birthday presents! A colouring books and magic markers for me and a book for Luke. Thanks Tanya.

Playing outside . . .

I went on Gracie's swing and slide set today.

Somebody needs to help me though, because it is tricky for a little boy.


Still celebrating the birthdays . . .

Today Gran to look after us and we went to Playcentre. As usual it was very very busy down there because it is Wednesday after all. After Playcentre Gran was giving Luke his bottle and took myself to bed for a sleep. Excellent now I can be up all night with Mummy. She will be delighted. I really don't know what she does with herself when I go to bed early.
Mummy came home today with another arm load of presents! Today I got a money box and $2 from Uncle Troy and Emma, some Dora socks, Dora lollies and a talking Dora toy that tells the colours in both English and Spanish from Charlie and Katie; Katie also brought me a very cool Dora and Boots cup (out of her very own holiday money) and Rach sent me some blow pens, that looks very cool and I wanted to use them immediately but Mummy has put them up. Spoil sport.
Thanks for lovely presents everyone. That is very kind and thoughtful.

More presents for me . . .

I do like this birthday thing. Today I got more presents! A money box from Uncle Troy and Aunty Emma; a car and some garden tools from Charlie and Katie (they should be very useful next time I help them do the gardening) and a Spot book and CD from Rach. Nice! Thanks everyone!


Happy birthday to Mummy . . .

Today it is my Mummy birthday. It is also Luke's birthday. Our day started with a knock at the door and it was Tanya with some flowers for my Mummy. Nice. Then there was another knock at the door and it was Sylvia with some chocolates for my Mummy. Nice.

I went to Playcentre today with no Mummy or Daddy or Gran. Belinda took me and then brought me home. I am a big girl now. I thought I was going to go to school now that I am three, but apparently I need to wait until I am five. That is ages away!

Tonight we went down to the pub for tea. Tanya came with us, so that was great. Mummy, Daddy ane Tanya played pool, I wasn't allowed to.

Happy birthday to me . . .

Today it is my birthday. I am one year old. Happy Birthday to me! (Mummy said she will do my one year checklist tomorrow).


Show me the rule book then . . .

Today Mummy said three year old girls are not allowed to have plugs (dummys) in the day time because it is in the rule book. When she went back to work I asked Daddy to show me the rule book so I could see that terrible rule written down. I don't believe her.

Luke and I have had Daddy all to ourselves today. We have been playing with the new toys. When Mummy came home from work she brought three great big parcels with her. They were more birthday presents for Luke and I! We got presents from Aunty Ade, Aunty Daphne and Uncle Brenton and co. Nice, thanks guys. We got lots of books, some DVD's, a Christmas Cd and some clothes.

Just an ordinary day . . .

We have had no party today. It was just been an ordinary day around here. However I have had lots of exciting new toys to play with . . .


Happy birthday to me . . .

I have had the best day today. It is my birthday and I am three today. This morning I helped Mummy get ready for big party (Daddy had to go in his ambulance and helped some people). We had to do party food and get ready! It was raining and raining and raining, which was a shame because Mummy had hired a bouncy castle for my party. We thought we might have to cancel it, but then Tanya had a brilliant idea and we put the bouncy castle in the school gym. Nice, it's good to have people with keys coming to your party!

Tanya, Gran and Grandad all turned up early to help with the party, Daddy went down to my Playcentre and moved the picnic tables under cover and decorated the hall with balloons and things.

Lots and lots of kiddies and big people turned up for the party, we went to have a go on the bouncy castle and then when we got back it was time to open the presents. I love opening presents! I got some very very cool toys. Everything from Playdough and a game to new books and some clothes for my Barbie. Thank you to all the people for your great presents. (Mummy put them up on the table when we got home and after my bath tonight I had a good look at everything, it was all a bit overwhelming at the Playcentre).

Then we had the party food! Yummy we had lots of great party food. The kiddies had to eat outside with my very cool Dora and Diego party stuff and the adults ate inside, although there was some mixing up of people of course.

Next we did the birthday cakes. Tanya did my cake and it was a DORA BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!!!!!!! I love Dora!!!!!!!!! Thanks Tanya. It was a very cool cake. Last year Tanya and Kirsty made a Care Bear cake for me (Mummy will post a photo on another day). They are good cake making people.

Next we went back to the school gym for more Bouncy Castle fun and Aunty Mary played lots of games with the kiddies! She is great at party games, we did singing and dancing and had races.

After the party when everyone had gone home Mark and Ruth came back to my house and brought my French Boys over so I could play with them (and we went back to the bouncy castle).

So as you can see I have had a brilliant day. Thank you to everyone who came to help make my day so wonderful.

My first birthday party . . .

It is my birthday on Tuesday and I am going to be one. Today I had a joint birthday party with Gracie. There were lots of people there, and people kept giving me presents (I did like that bit). I have got some very very cool new toys. Lots of them for the bath. I love playing in the bath. I also got some new cars and a telephone, which is good because I am not allowed to play with Gracie's phones.

Gran made my birthday cake. Thanks Gran. My birthday cake had Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and company on it. I like to watch them on the TV.

I went on a bouncy castle today too, but those big kids are all a bit wild for me really. I heard that they played some games also, but I slept through that.


My busy day in pictures . . .

I fed the chicken and I wasn't frightened at all!!!!!!!!! Aunty Kirsty note the use of the word chicken (without the s on the end) . . .

I showed Luke how to feed the chicken at Tanya's house . . .

I was going to pat the horse at Tanya's house, but chickened out (no pun intended) . . .

Mummy and I tried out our new gardening gloves and planted some strawberries . . .

Mummy did all the hard work and prepared the garden (I took the photo) . . .

Mummy and I planted sunflower seeds along the back fence to. Luke thinks he was helping, but he wasn't really . . .

Remember when Luke got his swing set from Mummy and Daddy; Nanny and Grandad; Gran and Grandad; Aunty Ade and Uncle Lee? Well this is my one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks everybody I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have played on my new present for most of the afternoon . . .

My helpful day in pictures . . .

I helped to feed the chicken at Tanya's house . . .

I patted a horse at Tanya's house . . .

I helped do the gardening too . . .

I helped to put Gracie's birthday present together . . .


A day in town . . .

My Mummy didn't go to school today, instead we went into town for the day. We had lots and lots of jobs to do, and some appointments to go to.

But before all that we went to visit Aunty Megan and my twin cousins. Those twins are nearly two, they are getting more and more interesting to play with. They were chasing me, playing with my dolls and when I was jumping on the trampoline Finn walked underneath it and I jumped on his head. He didn't like that very much though.

I went the supermarket today to help Mummy and Daddy do the shopping! I never get to go the supermarket, Daddy does our shopping by himself. But today we all went. I loved the supermarket. I helped to put things in the trolley and while we were wandering around I saw my Gran! I went in Gran's trolley and helped her with her shopping too. I think I would like to go shopping again.

After that Daddy had things to do so we went to Gran's house. We played golf outside. My Gran plays golf. I think I would like to play golf too. She wasn't keen on putting a hole in the ground though (but they were very impressed that I knew that you are supposed to hit the golf balls into a hole).

I played golf too . . .

But the clubs are a bit long for a boy.


Back to the pub . . .

Today I have had Gran and Daddy looking after me. I love days when there are two adults around because that way I get heaps of attention, even when someone is looking after Luke.

We went down to the Playcentre this morning, it was very very quiet. Thursdays are not busy days. Gran ended up covered in paint because some kids (I'm not saying if I was involved) were chasing her with paint. Gran's don't take changes of clothes to Playcentre. She might from now on.

This afternoon Luke had a huge sleep and Gran and I went for a walk to the shop. On the way past the pub I insisted that we went in for a drink. So we did. I do like going to say hello to Cory and Kevin. This afternoon I have been playing Cory and Kevin with Mummy and Luke outside on the grass.

Playing outside again . . .

We have been making the most of the nice weather, before it packs up and starts pouring down with rain. I don't think playing outside in the rain would be very nice.


Wednesday's with Gran . . .

Gran came out to look after us today. We played all morning at home and then went to Playcentre. Playcentre was very very busy today, but I love busy days because there are so many things happening. Today I did some painting, played in the water, pulled kiddies in the big wagon.

When we got home from Playcentre Luke was still asleep (he slept from 1 o'clock until 3.45) so I had Gran all to myself. Nice, I have had a lovely afternoon.

When Mummy got home Luke woke up and Gran had to go home so we have been outside playing all afternoon. Tanya came to visit us too, so we have been sitting on the eating ice blocks and drinking juice.

All on a lovely afternoon . . .

We have been hanging out outside this afternoon.



Playcentre outing . . .

We went to the Modeller's Pond in Nelson today for a combined Playcentre outing. Gran came along with us too. We had lunch there, and lots of rides on the little trains. I love the little trains.!
Last time I went on one of them was the day before Luke was born and Mummy had gone into labour already, they thought it might have encouraged the baby to come out. It didn't he still hung on in there for ages and ages.

But today there was no Mummy (and the new baby isn't ready to come out yet anyway). I have had a brilliant day, there has been lots for a girl to see and do. I hope we go back to see the little trains again soon.

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