And then there were three . . .


Off to school . . .

After lunch and after my sleep I went to school with Mummy this afternoon. She had to go and mark the big kids speeches. I was too noisy so I got to go outside with Cherie so I could play. That was a much better idea than sitting through the speeches.

When the speeches had finished we went to the Art Room so Mummy could put my footprints on the canvas. I did like having my feet painted, it was pretty tricky to do though. Molly, another one of the big kids, held on to me while Mummy painted my feet and did the imprints.

When we got home there was no Gracie and Daddy to play with. That's not a problem though - that just means that I had my Mummy all to myself. Nice.


Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Last night, for the first time I went to bed without my plug (that would be my dummy). I also went to sleep without it, then when I woke up at 12.30 in the morning, I didn't even ask for it - I just yelled out for Mummy and then went back to sleep (in my own bed). Mummy said she didn't know where the plugs were and if I wanted one then I had to find it by myself. I couldn't find one - so I didn't have one.

This morning Gran came out to see Luke and I. Mummy had to go to school to do some marking for the big kids who were doing their speeches today. So Gran took Luke and I to Playcentre. I had a great time today, I played with Aiden quite a bit. He was lots of fun to play with. He has a big sister, so he knows at doing what he is told.

After Playcentre we played outside, Gran and Mummy had some lunch and then Gran had to go home. This afternoon we have been keeping Luke entertained. We went got home it was 2 o'clock so Mummy decided to keep Luke awake for the whole day, he didn't get to have a sleep. He was in bed sound asleep by 5.30. I am going to have a bath with Mummy tonight, it will be nice because Luke won't be trying to climb in too.

The good news is I found a plug this afternoon. It was in the basket that sits on top of the very tall shelf in my bedroom. That's a funny place for it to be, I wonder how on earth it got all the way up there . . .

Lots about me today . . .

Look what I found just . . .

sitting on the bench . . .

Hmmmmmmm . . .

Peek-a-boo . . .

Ahhhhhhhh . . .

However hard I tried I could not pick up this ball . . .

I wonder what all the fuss is about this wooding business . . .

This is easy, I like doing this (it's in the genes you know). I could be a very good builder . . .


'Thanks Grandma' . . .

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

This morning we bundled up warm and headed outside to play. We had to bundle up warm because Jack Frost had been to visit, the ground was white first thing in the morning, but by the time we went outside it had all melted and it was all wet. We have been playing with the chalk board today. I was the face painter and painted everyone into Tigers.

After lunch today Geraldine arrived to take me to Kindy. On the way home she brought me a gingerbread man (I do like a treat). When she gave it to me a was a bit distracted and said 'thank you Grandma'. I am enjoying my trips with Geraldine now. Last week while she was driving I asked her to put my Alphabet CD on so we could listen to it. She said she couldn't do it because she had to watch the road. I told her that's okay, you put the CD on and I will watch the road. She didn't do it though.

After Kindy today we were playing outside again. I taught Luke how to swing around and around and around in the washing line pole. He was a bit slow though, I kept banging into him.

Still no baby.

I had a terrible tumble . . .

We have been playing outside lots and lots today. We played with the chalk board, played Planes on the swinging seats and had lots of slides. It was pretty chilly outside this morning. Jack Frost had been this morning, we had to put on Jerseys, socks and gumboots.

I did have a terrible accident though, when I was climbing down the stairs I had a terrible tumble. I now have a huge graze on my forehead, on my nose and on my chin. It really really hurt! Don't be fooled by the laughing boy in the photo, that was taken hours after the incident!


More wooding with Grandad . . .

Today we went into old Nana and Grandad place for lunch. It was very busy and noisy at their house (not that it was my fault that it was noisy, it was Luke really). Grandad and I did some wooding in the garage, we made a bridge today. Maybe if we keep going back I can slowly build a playhouse . . .
After that we went to Kindy. All was good there, I played with lots of kiddies and did lots of stuff. When Mummy came to pick me up we decided that we would go and have a cup of tea with Gran on the way home. I love going to visit my Gran, I played with Gran and she made me a fruit platter, that is my favourite.
When we got home that was a package waiting for me, it was new Rugrats DVD. I have recently fallen in love with Rugrats. I went to bed tonight in the Mummy bed and watched my new DVD. Nice.
Still no baby.

Eighteen months old today . . .

Today I am eighteen months old. That means I am old enough to be a big brother, but not old enough to drive.

We went to visit old Nana and Grandad today. We stayed there for lunch and had a lovely long visit. After that Mummy and I dropped Gracie off at Kindy, then we went to see Paula, our Midwife. She took one look at Mummy's tummy and goodness me that baby has gotten huge! Apparently that is not really something that Mummy's want to hear.

Paula said Kate's head is fully engaged (she could only feel her neck). We are still playing the waiting game though.


Big walks and early nights . . .

Sunday, 27 May 2007

We have had another busy day around here. At least I was busy, Mummy was lying on the couch and resting.
This morning our neighbour Sylvia came over for a visit and a cup of tea. She has done something to her leg and she has a cast on her leg and is walking on crutches. Excellent, she was great candidate for me to play doctors with.

When Luke had a sleep after lunch I was the tummy doctor and I looked after Mummy as well. I have also done lots of pictures today. Daddy brought home a scrapbook for me today, because most of my drawings are on bits of paper and they are ending up all over the place. With a scrapbook they will all be together and won't get lost. That's a good idea.

When Daddy got home from work and Luke was awake we went for a great big walk around the village. I mostly sat in the buggy, but walked lots of the way too. Luke LOVES going to walks in the buggy. I just LOVE going for walks, so that is all good.

I am going to bed very early tonight because I have been awake since 5 am. I'm pleased to be going to bed early because I am very very tired.

Still no baby.

Pictures with chalk . . .

We have been playing with the chalk today. I drew on the chalkboard and on the steps. Gracie drew on the chalkboard and on my face.


Cinderella . . .

Saturday, 26 May 2007

We have had a home day. Mummy hasn't had one since Tuesday, and I haven't had one since last weekend. We have just been cruising really. We have played lots of games and read lots of books.

I helped Mummy to do the housework. I mopped the floors, but we had to put the bucket of water in the bath because Luke was being a pain.

We have also been playing outside quite a bit. We played on the slide and played hide and seek. Nice.

Still no baby.

Lots of fun activities . . .

We have been very busy today doing all sorts of different things. Gracie and I tipped all the toys out and made a huge mess, we have been playing outside. The shower curtain was on the washing line, so I could run under it. I also played on the slide.
When my Daddy got home from work tonight he was very very tired, because he works mad hours. Mummy run a bath for him. I love having a bath with someone . . . so I tried to climb in fully clothed. Who can resist? I had a bath with my Daddy. It got a bit crowded though when Gracie climbed in too.

After our bath Mummy tied a balloon up in the doorway so I could hit it with the bat. Cool, I love hitting things with a bat.

Visiting in the morning . . .

Friday, 25 May 2007

This morning we went for a visit up the road to see Janet, Fergus and Baby Mac. We played there for most of the morning and ended up staying for lunch. Fergus and I had sandwiches and soup for lunch. That's all good. We mostly played inside because it was pretty chilly this morning. But that is not a problem because Fergus has got a huge lounge for playing in.

When we got home, and after Luke woke up, we have been playing outside. We helped Mummy to fill the wood box and played on the bikes and on the mini tramp. I'm really to sure what happened to the rest of the day.

Still no baby.

Visiting and helping . . .

We went out for a visit this morning. I played with Baby Mac (who is only about 8 weeks younger than me - so isn't really a baby anymore).

At home we have been playing outside and helping Mummy to fill the wood box. That's a good job for a Grace and a Luke. It is very tricky getting up and down the stairs in my new boots though.


Book fairs and family outings . . .

Thursday, 24 May 2007

This morning we went across the road to the school library to go to the Book Fair. We brought a Grandma McGarvey book for me, a Little Digger book for Luke and also a Tiger poster to go up on the wall in my bedroom. I had lots of good ideas about the books that we could buy, but that is what we ended up with.

After that we all went into town. We had a family day out and about. First we went to the park, then to KFC for lunch, then we went for a wee walk and then Mummy and Daddy took me to Kindy. I'm not sure what happened to the rest of them.

At Kindy today I played in the family corner with the babies, we also played weddings. My Aunty Trina wasn't there today - I don't know where she was.

Still no baby.

Just Mummy, Daddy and me . . .

I have been hanging out with both Mummy and Daddy today. We went to the park, went to buy some new gumboots for me. Then we went to the Honest Lawyer for a drink. Nice.


There wasn't a lot of sleeping around here last night . . .

Wednesday, 22 May 2007

Mummy took Luke and I to Playcentre today. It was a very strange session down there. There were only six kiddies, two girls and four boys. Thank goodness Caroline was there for me to play with! We were the only family who were there because they wanted to, all the other Mummies had jobs to do (like supervising etc). Most of the Wednesday families have changed to a Tuesday. I think we might be changing too. Playcentre is much better when there are lots of kiddies to play with.

That being said I still had lots of fun. Like I said I mostly played with Caroline. She is very good to play with because she has an older sister - so she knows about doing what she is told. We played in the family corner, played with the playdough and did lots of dressing up. Nice.

This afternoon I have been watching TV, because Luke is sleeping and Mummy is very sore and grumpy. I think that is because last night between the hours of 3am and 5.30 am either Luke, or me, or both of us was awake. I nearly drifted back to sleep around 4 am but Tiber (that's the ginger cat) jumped up on the bed and scared the life out of me! I screamed and cried, and woke Luke up again. Mummy was very grumpy then. Stupid cat.

I was not allowed to have a bot in the middle of the night. It was very nice though to be awake for so long, cuddled up in the bed with Mummy, telling funny stories and funny jokes.

Still no baby.

Off to Playcentre . . .

We went to Playcentre today. It was very quiet, there were only six kiddies there.

That's not a biggie for a boy like me though, I found plenty to keep me busy. I played in the sand, did some painting, did some wooding, played with the playdough, got the beats from one of the boys, cried a bit after that, had some lunch, followed Gracie around.

Mostly it was all good (except for when I got the beats)!
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