And then there were three . . .


Playcentre and lawn mowing . . .

Daddy took us to Playcentre today for yet another busy day. We did drawing, painted our feet and played in the water. I had a great time.

This afternoon my Daddy has been mowing the lawn - so of course I had to help him. I really don't know how he would manage to complete such a huge job without me to help. He is very very lucky that I am such a good helper.

My other job at the minute is to distract Luke when Mummy is throwing up in the mornings as he tries to climb all over her. A girl is getting a few jobs at the moment. They are both very very lucky that I am such a good helper!

I went to Playcentre today . . .

I do like our Playcentre days. Now that I am getting more mobile they are getting more interesting.

I would like to get hold of some of those paints actually. That would be fun for a boy.


Hello Jess . . .

Today before Mummy got home from work Daddy had to go into town for an appointment so one of Mummy's big girls came to look after us. That's a first. Her name is Jess and I liked the look of her. We played some games and watched some TV. I think Mummy should get Jess to come and look after us again one day, she wasn't here for nearly long enough.

I think I might have gotten her into trouble because she left I told Mummy that Jess had a smoke outside. I didn't have one though, because I don't smoke.

What a score . . .

Look what I found just sitting on the table.

I don't normally find such things just lying around.



Just cruisin' . . .

We have had a relaxed day at all, well as relaxed as a day with me around can do, lets call it a low key day. Daddy went to work so Luke and I have been hanging out with Mummy.
We played lots of games, Doctors was the favourite today. I had to take my Sweetie for a check up.
I got into terrible trouble today for waking Luke up when he was nearly asleep, bad luck for Gracie.
Mummy says the blogger site is being a bastard so this is going to be a short post. That's okay because I haven't been up to much today anyway.

I'm very weary today . . .

Mummy has put me to bed four times this afternoon . . .

Gracie has woken me up everytime . . .

She was in terrible trouble!


My day in town . . .

We went to see my twin cousins . . .
We made sandcastles on the beach . . .

It was pretty cold at the beach . . .

I played catch with Gran . . .
I played catch with my Grandad . . .

I am 11 months old today . . .

So far so good really. My 11 month checklist:
I have two teeth (and two more that are trying to come through).
I can pull myself on things to a standing position (but can't do it if I'm not holding onto anything).
I can move a couple steps along the furniture (but after too many steps tend to fall over).
I have been trying to get out of my bath seat (but she won't let me, because on the one occasion that we didn't use it in the bath I fell backwards and went under the water).
I can have lots of different finger foods (but can't manage a spoon by myself)
One night I slept for a full six hours (but only the once mind)
My Mummy is still feeding me (and Gracie is still very jealous).
I am going to be a big brother (and can impart all my wisdom).
My car seat is still backwards (but I hear they will turn it around next month).
I hate going to sleep in my cot (but they do put into it during the day - bastards).

We went to visit my twin cousins (Mummy said if we have twins they are going to sell one of them on the internet) . . .

I liked the feel of the sand (much more than I like the feel of the grass) . . .

I smashed up Gracie's sandcastle . . .


We went to Chipmunks today . . .

Today we went to Chipmunks with my friend Brooke. We had a great time.

We went down the big slide all by ourselves, played on the cars, played on the big climbing frame, played on the bikes.

It was a good day to go because there weren't many kiddies there. They are the best days to go to Chipmunks.

I'm feeling much better today . . .

Daddy took us to Chipmunks today.
It's not a bad place for little boys to hang out for a couple of hours.


Just Daddy and I . . .

Luke is not very well and Mummy has been up all night with him, so she didn't go to work today. That meant that Mummy could stay home and look after Luke and Daddy took just me to Playcentre. We had a great time. There was lots happening today. I made a playdough birthday cake, helped to wash the big mat, played in the water, dressed up. Like I said there was lots happening today.

After Playcentre Daddy and I went to the shop and got an ice cream (and I pedaled my bike all the way there and back). Then we went to see Cory and Kevin at the pub. We had a drink there, because it would be rude not to. (that's not drink in the photo by the way - I had a lemonade).

This afternoon Daddy has been mowing the lawn. I was very very helpful and didn't get in the way to much. He tries to convince me that little girls should use the stupid plastic lawn mower. But I don't.

Not much sleep at my house . . .

I am not well. I had a terrible night last night. I had a fever and was very very hot. I did not manage to sleep for more than 20 minutes at any one stretch all night.
I could not get comfortable at all. I did find the best place to sleep was lying on my Mummy's tummy.
My Mummy did go to work today, and that is a good thing because I have been grumpy and out of sorts all day.
Today when Daddy took Gracie to Playcentre Mummy and I went back to bed. That's not a bad way to spend to morning when you don't feel well.
This afternoon Mummy and I have been lying on the grass watching Daddy and Grace mow the lawns. Not a bad way to spend the afternoon when you don't feel well.


It must be Wednesday because our Gran came to look after us today. I didn't see Gran in the weekend so I was very excited to see her today. We have been playing lots of games, reading lots of books and we went down to the Playcentre. Nice.

When Mummy got home Gran had to go and get Grandad's tea so we have been playing with our Mummy. She is very tired and feeling very sick, so it was a bit hard to get her interested in games this afternoon. It's a good thing I know so many fun things that we could do together, I had lots of suggestions.

I have been very helpful again this afternoon, I fed Luke and I did try to wash his hair again in the bath - but Mummy said no. Spoil sport.

Do you know what they have been calling me . . .

. . . the old baby!
How rude is that, I'm not even done been the baby yet!
And then I heard Gracie ask Mummy if she could have the old baby (that would be me) when she gets the new baby.

Just the one adult today . . .

Today we have had our Daddy all to ourselves. Nanny has gone home and Mummy had to go to work. Daddy took us to Playcentre today. I did lots of painting and playing outside. He forgot the camera again, so there are no Playcentre photos.

After school we have been playing with our Mummy, we made little people out of paper and played shops. Tonight when Luke and I had our bath I washed our hair (when I wasn't supposed to) so Mummy gave us crazy hair!

I have had two huge sleeps today . . .

For me that means sleeping longer than 60 minutes.
Apparently some babies sleep for a long time everyday.
Crazy babies they are missing out on lots of playing time!


It's been a very very busy day (again) . . .

What a day it has been. Today I have had Mummy, Daddy and Nanny to entertain. I am exhausted, it is a big job for a little girl to entertain three adults all day. In fact I have been so very busy I have missed all of my programmes today.

I played lots of games with Nanny, draw around her on my wallpaper and we had a party when Mummy and Luke had a sleep and Daddy was doing some housework.

Daddy has been teaching me do use the computer, we have been playing the games that Fizzy gave to me.

Mummy, Nanny and I had to go for a walk to the shop to get some raspberry jam so we could make pikelets for lunch. I have also been taking some photos, I think I need some more practice though so I don't cut people's heads off.

Tonight my Nanny has gone back to Greymouth because she has to go to work tomorrow. I wanted to go to Greymouth too, but wasn't allowed.

After our bath Mummy was reading me a story in my bed (I can have my bed back now) about Milly Molly Mandy and how she had to get a new dress because Toby the dog ripped hers. I'm not sure how the story finished though because I fell asleep lying on my Mummy's shoulder listening to the story. I have never done that before.

See I told you I was exhausted!

New tricks for me . . .

Today Mummy took to cushions off the couch and put them on the floor. So I could climb up and down and not have a terrible tumble.

It was a great game while Gracie was playing on the computer, then when she realised what was going on she just took over.


Hanging out with Mummy and Nanny . . .

We have been hanging out at home today. I have kept Mummy and Nanny very very busy.

This morning Mummy dyed Nanny's hair, I wasn't allowed to help I was only allowed to watch. Then I face painted myself, I am very good at face painting. But Mummy and Nanny didn't want to be painted. I also wasn't allowed to paint Luke. We shall see - I know where she keeps the face paints.
I made muffins with Nanny today for our lunch, I am very good at making muffins. Then I helped Mummy do the housework. I am very good at doing the housework, I did the vacuuming and washed the bathroom sink and I did the dishes.
We have also been playing lots and lots of games and reading lots and lots of books. Mummy went to have a sleep with Luke so I got my Nanny all to myself. Nice.
The farmer buried the dead cow today.

Helping with the house work . . .

We have been hanging out at home today. I was very very helpful when Mummy did the housework. She loves it when I help!

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