About Me
- Name: A day in the life of Grace and Luke
- Location: Nelson, South Island, New Zealand
Grace and Luke are brother and sister. This is a daily account of the things that they get up to . . . together and separately
Previous Posts
- Just the one adult today . . .
- I have had two huge sleeps today . . .
- It's been a very very busy day (again) . . .
- New tricks for me . . .
- Hanging out with Mummy and Nanny . . .
- Helping with the house work . . .
- Whitebait for tea . . .
- Hanging out with Nanny . . .
- Parks and picnic teas . . .
- Another injection . . .
At 11:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
How very rude Lukey, you are much too cute to be the OLD baby, I think Mummy will have a wee girl baby and then you will be the only BOY baby.
At 4:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ohh Lukedy. Don't worry noone can take your place.
Wow what a busy wek for you guys. We had a great time in Ch Ch and became farmers which was fun.
Tell Mummy, I commiserate with the sick feelings, the memories are so vivid.
Aunty mary
At 7:00 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
I think they are rude to Charlie, like I said I'm not done being the baby yet, and already they are replacing me.
I don't think anyone can take my place Aunty Mary, although I have been hearing a bit about the 'middle child'. I'm not to sure what that is all about though.
At 8:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
i know a house where you could be the ONLY baby :)
At 8:11 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
Thanks Grandad, but Daddy said I have to live here with them.
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