It must be Wednesday because our Gran came to look after us today. I didn't see Gran in the weekend so I was very excited to see her today. We have been playing lots of games, reading lots of books and we went down to the Playcentre. Nice.
When Mummy got home Gran had to go and get Grandad's tea so we have been playing with our Mummy. She is very tired and feeling very sick, so it was a bit hard to get her interested in games this afternoon. It's a good thing I know so many fun things that we could do together, I had lots of suggestions.
I have been very helpful again this afternoon, I fed Luke and I did try to wash his hair again in the bath - but Mummy said no. Spoil sport.

When Mummy got home Gran had to go and get Grandad's tea so we have been playing with our Mummy. She is very tired and feeling very sick, so it was a bit hard to get her interested in games this afternoon. It's a good thing I know so many fun things that we could do together, I had lots of suggestions.
I have been very helpful again this afternoon, I fed Luke and I did try to wash his hair again in the bath - but Mummy said no. Spoil sport.

At 11:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
You are very good helping Mummy like that Gracie, she needs lots of rest while she is growing the new baby.
At 6:57 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
I do try my very best Charlie
At 8:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good practice Grace.
There was a time when Nanny was the only girl in the house. Then she got a brother - then another one, then a sister, another brother, another brother, another brother, another sister (hello Mary) and another sister.
You might need lotsa practice.
At 9:09 AM,
Tanya said…
I can see you are practising your big sister baby sitting skills!!!! Well done -its a big job being a big sister.
At 4:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, Gracie. i wonder if your Mumma is going to use your great grand parents for inspiration?????
I was never the only baby in the house!!!!!Hello Nanny.
At 8:10 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
Mummy said you can all shut up, we are only having one more baby. Then we will have three children only.
Just like you Aunty Mary and you Grandad, and your orginal batch Grandad.
At 1:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
How rude!
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