And then there were three . . .


There's a boat in my bath . . .

Wednesday, 28 Feb 2007

Right so today Gran came to look after Luke and I. Also because it is a Wednesday we went to Playcentre. I don't moan and cry when they say I am going to Playcentre, just when they say I am going to Kindy. I had a great time at Playcentre, there were lots of kiddies to play with. Luke had a great time and was walking around getting into everything. When Mummy came over at lunch time Luke had just got into the paints, so she wouldn't give him a cuddle. Funny.

When we got home Mummy had been to the Toy Library and had brought home a boat and a slide. I have been playing boats for a couple of days now, with a box. The new boat is very very cool. I put it in the bath at bath time, but it didn't float so that was very disappointing.

Look what Mummy got at the Toy Library today . . .


The Wheels on the Bus . . .

Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007
My hair is long enough again for ponytails, so this morning Mummy tied it up for me. You have to stand very very still when Mummy's are doing your hair - or it is to tricky.
After lunch today Geraldine was here to take me to Kindy. I had a bit of a grump, but not for long. Because guess what? I took my new yellow bus with me in the car today and Geraldine knows all the words to The Wheels on the Bus! Excellent we sang it most of the way into town. She knows lots of stuff does that Geraldine.
This afternoon and after tea Luke and I have been playing all sorts of games. We have been playing horses and boats, and I have been making life jackets out of paper. It has been a very busy day.

I had a huge four hour sleep this afternoon. That is unheard of! I have never done that before! The bad news is I woke up very very grumpy, at the same time that Gracie came home from Kindy and also woke up - so she was very very grumpy too.

After tea tonight Gracie and I have been playing outside. She is full of good ideas today and I am allowed to play! We have been playing horses and boats. I also have been playing with the broom. She is a lot more fun when she lets me play the games too. Although I have noticed that if I don't do as she says I get told off pretty quickly. I guess this will be the pattern for a long time to come.


Thanks Aunty Trina . . .

Monday, 26 Feb 2007

I got busted big time in the weekend. By Aunty Trina of all people! When Mummy and Daddy say it is a Kindy day I cry and moan and complain loudly that I don't like Kindy and that I don't want to go. I tell them that there are naughty children there who put water in the sandpit. I also tell them that the kiddies are mean to me and don't let me play any games, and won't share the toys with me. I nearly had them worried. But then on Saturday when we were hanging out with Nana and Grandad Saxon Aunty Trina showed up too (they are her Mummy and Daddy - just like Nanny Trish).

Aunty Trina told Mummy that I have a great time at Kindy, she told her the names of my friends, she told her what things I like to play with and what things I like to do, she told her that last week one day we spent 40 minutes inside dancing! I think she told her to much. When - in front of Mummy - Aunty Trina said 'Grace you love coming to Kindy, you have a great time' I didn't know where to look. I think I will have to keep the two of them apart.

So today was a Kindy day. Mummy asked what I did today. I told her I can't tell you because it is a secret. That should hold her off for a while. Hopefully.

When we got home told there was another parcel for me! A little people bus with five new little people. Nice.

That bloody baby has been trying to get into all my games AGAIN! Mummy said I am not allowed to give him away, something was said about them quite liking him. Bugger.

Hanging out with Daddy . . .

This afternoon Gracie went to Kindy and Daddy and I went to see his friend Frenchie. I do like all the visiting when Gracie is at Kindy.

When we got home she was playing all sorts of interesting games that I really really wanted to be involved in. She keeps yelling at me and taking the toys of me, that's hardly fair! It's a good thing that I am so very persistent.


One old baby, going cheap to a good home . . .

Sunday, 25 Feb 2007

I have been very grumpy for most of the day, and have been hanging out for a sleep. But I'm not allowed to have a sleep, so Mummy has been finding things for me to do all day. I must admit I am very easily distracted.

This morning I helped to make a banana cake. It is for the lunches this week. I told Mummy that I could take some to Kindy. She said no because I am supposed to take fruit to Kindy for the shared afternoon tea. I told her there is fruit in the cake. (How can you argue with logic like that?) Then we made a quiche because Nanny was coming for lunch for her friend, Barb, who she travelled up with for the weekend. I was also very busy helping to set the picnic table outside for lunch.

Mummy was going to take photos for the blog, but I stood on a bee and got a sting. There was lots of yelling and screaming, it wasn't a pleasant experience at all. I had a foot spa like Kyle did when he got a bee sting. I think I like foot spas.

This afternoon we have been playing outside. That old baby is driving me crazy! He gets into EVERYTHING and he ruins all my games! I told Mummy that she should give him away to someone else who will like him better than I do. She wasn't keen. Any takers?

Big sleeps and water play . . .

I didn't see much of Nanny Trish today, while she was here I fell asleep in the highchair. When I woke up (2 and a 1/2 hours later) she was gone. It's a good thing I saw lots of her yesterday or I would be feeling very ripped off.

This afternoon I have been outside playing in the water because it is so so hot here. I have only been wearing a nappy for most of the day. Nice.


A girl's day in pictures . . .

Saturday, 24 Feb 2007

I went to a cafe for lunch with Mummy, Nanny and Luke. We were across the road from the sea and could see lots of boats coming and going . . .

We spent most of today at Nana and Grandad Saxon's house. My Grandad was in Wellington yesterday getting his heart fixed. Today he came home. Nanny Trish is having a sleep over at their house, so we have been hanging out there. I have seen lots of Aunty's, Uncle's and cousins today . . .

I went for two walks today. I was allowed to hold on to Tama's lead. It is a very important job, you have to watch puppies very carefully when you take them for a walk . . .

We went to the park by Boardgreen house, there were lots and lots of goldfish in the pond . . .

We found a fountain and I had a drink . . .

I helped Nanny push the buggy on our walk . . .

We went to the shop for an ice cream . . .

We went to the playground at Nayland School so Luke and I could have a play . . .

There were lots of things for a girl to climb on at the playground . . .

I was allowed to water Nana's garden. I WASN'T ALLOWED TO WATER THE PEOPLE ! ! !

Lydia and her friend came for a visit, Lydia is the girl in the green singlet. She is one of my big cousins. We took the dog for a little walk . . .

A boy's day in pictures. . .

My big cousins had some ice blocks . . . nobody gave me an ice block ! ! !

I played dolls houses with Joel and Mitchell. But they probably wouldn't really want me to tell you that . . .

Mummy, Nanny, Gracie and I went to a cafe for lunch. I liked playing with the ice from the drinks best . . .

I had cuddles with Nana Saxon. I also tried to get her glasses, but they were attached, so were to tricky for me . . .

We found a fountain at Broadgreen house that I could stand by and reach the water to play in, what a good idea . . .

It was very very hot, that dog was in the fountain, I tried to climb in but it was to tricky for me . . .

Someone put that dog in my buggy. Ahhhhhhhhhhh . . .

We went to the shop and I had an ice block . . .

We went to a school playground and I played in the bark, the best thing about the bark was there was lots and lots of dirt under it . . .

There is no bath at Nana Saxon's house - just a shower, so I had a bath in the laundry sink . . .

We both fell asleep on the way home, it has been a very long day . . .

A note from a guest contributor . . .

Hello there, my name is Tama and Nanny Trish is my new Mummy, so that must make me Uncle Tama. I'm not sure about these two. They look like they would be a lot of fun, but when I try to play with them they do a lot of yelling. That normally lands me in all sorts of trouble.

I went for two walks today, both times the girl child wanted to hold on to my lead, I'm not to sure about her though - she seems very very bossy . . .

We found a fountain so I could have a drink . . .

I like this idea, I was very very tired during our big walk, the girl child got out of the double buggy and I got to sit in it. I think I will have to talk to my mother about getting one for me! ! !

We went to the shop and got an ice cream, I shared my mother's one with her . . .

We went to Nayland School so those children could have a run around. While we were there my mother broke two of the rules. I'll give you a hint which ones . . . she doesn't have a skateboard!
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