Thanks Aunty Trina . . .
Monday, 26 Feb 2007
I got busted big time in the weekend. By Aunty Trina of all people! When Mummy and Daddy say it is a Kindy day I cry and moan and complain loudly that I don't like Kindy and that I don't want to go. I tell them that there are naughty children there who put water in the sandpit. I also tell them that the kiddies are mean to me and don't let me play any games, and won't share the toys with me. I nearly had them worried. But then on Saturday when we were hanging out with Nana and Grandad Saxon Aunty Trina showed up too (they are her Mummy and Daddy - just like Nanny Trish).
Aunty Trina told Mummy that I have a great time at Kindy, she told her the names of my friends, she told her what things I like to play with and what things I like to do, she told her that last week one day we spent 40 minutes inside dancing! I think she told her to much. When - in front of Mummy - Aunty Trina said 'Grace you love coming to Kindy, you have a great time' I didn't know where to look. I think I will have to keep the two of them apart.
So today was a Kindy day. Mummy asked what I did today. I told her I can't tell you because it is a secret. That should hold her off for a while. Hopefully.
When we got home told there was another parcel for me! A little people bus with five new little people. Nice.
That bloody baby has been trying to get into all my games AGAIN! Mummy said I am not allowed to give him away, something was said about them quite liking him. Bugger.

I got busted big time in the weekend. By Aunty Trina of all people! When Mummy and Daddy say it is a Kindy day I cry and moan and complain loudly that I don't like Kindy and that I don't want to go. I tell them that there are naughty children there who put water in the sandpit. I also tell them that the kiddies are mean to me and don't let me play any games, and won't share the toys with me. I nearly had them worried. But then on Saturday when we were hanging out with Nana and Grandad Saxon Aunty Trina showed up too (they are her Mummy and Daddy - just like Nanny Trish).
Aunty Trina told Mummy that I have a great time at Kindy, she told her the names of my friends, she told her what things I like to play with and what things I like to do, she told her that last week one day we spent 40 minutes inside dancing! I think she told her to much. When - in front of Mummy - Aunty Trina said 'Grace you love coming to Kindy, you have a great time' I didn't know where to look. I think I will have to keep the two of them apart.
So today was a Kindy day. Mummy asked what I did today. I told her I can't tell you because it is a secret. That should hold her off for a while. Hopefully.
When we got home told there was another parcel for me! A little people bus with five new little people. Nice.
That bloody baby has been trying to get into all my games AGAIN! Mummy said I am not allowed to give him away, something was said about them quite liking him. Bugger.

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