The Wheels on the Bus . . .
Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007
My hair is long enough again for ponytails, so this morning Mummy tied it up for me. You have to stand very very still when Mummy's are doing your hair - or it is to tricky.
After lunch today Geraldine was here to take me to Kindy. I had a bit of a grump, but not for long. Because guess what? I took my new yellow bus with me in the car today and Geraldine knows all the words to The Wheels on the Bus! Excellent we sang it most of the way into town. She knows lots of stuff does that Geraldine.
This afternoon and after tea Luke and I have been playing all sorts of games. We have been playing horses and boats, and I have been making life jackets out of paper. It has been a very busy day.

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