And then there were three . . .


Playcentre and chocolates . . .

Daddy took Luke and I to Playcentre this morning. I played with the playdough, played on the computer and had lunch outside on the slide with Liam. When we left Playcentre we walked over to Mummy's school to pick her up for lunch, it is on our way home.

After school Mummy came home with a parcel from Molly and Katrise, to say thank you for letting them come and play with Luke and I earlier in the year as part of their studies. And it was chocolates!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love chocolates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Molly and Katrise.

My morning at Playcentre . . .

We went to Playcentre this morning. They have wooden floors there, which I really like because I can move across them very quickly.


A day with Gran . . .

My Gran and came and took me to Playcentre today. We left Luke at home with Daddy.Normally Mummy comes to Playcentre at lunch time on Wednesday, but not today - I think she must have gone home to see Luke and Daddy.

I showed Gran my new dolls house today and we played with it too. I love my new doll's house.

After Luke and I had our bath today I played ghosts with him (that's when I cover him up with a towel and he is the ghost) and horses (that's when I sit on his back). He doesn't like playing those games for very long though.

No Playcentre for me . . .

I didn't go to Playcentre today. I stayed home with Daddy.

I did have a bath with my big sister after tea though.


Still no injections . . .

We went over to Mummy's school today so we could take Luke to see the Plunket Nurse. We waited for Mummy in the staff room, so I got to see Tanya, that was nice, I like to see Tanya.

The nurse didn't give Luke any injections. They keep talking about him getting an injection, but no one has given him one for ages. He is probably pleased about that.

After school Mummy and I have been playing with the doll's house that Nanny gave me. Then tonight I had ricies and bananas for tea sitting in Luke's highchair.

There were no keys in the door today, so I couldn't lock anyone out.

There's no stopping me now . . .

I had my nine month check with the Plunket Nurse today. I am 9.88 kg(that's 21 lb in Nana weight) and I am 71 cm long. She said I am a big health boy. Hooray for me!

I am not crawling yet, but that has not slowed me down, I can get across the floor and into anything that catches my eye pretty quickly.


Sorry about that Daddy . . .

There is not much to report today, expect that this morning when Daddy went outside to hang out the washing I locked him out! I turned the key in the door and he couldn't get in! Mummy thought it was much funnier than Daddy did. That could be because Luke had just woken up and was crying.

They aren't going to leave the key in the door anymore.

This afternoon I have been a dog rabbit. Which means that you have to jump like a rabbit and bark like a dog. Also dog rabbit's have to eat their tea in the bath.

Nine months old today . . .

Nine month check list:
I have two teeth.
I can get into my sister's stuff.
I can't crawl, but I can get across the floor pretty quickly anyway.
I can sit up, but can't get up there by myself.
I sometimes sleep for a four hour stretch at night time (but not very often).
I had my first formula today (but my Mummy is still feeding my too).
I love chocolate biscuits.
I love noisy toys.
I love playing with small cars.

So far so good really . . .


Thanks Fizzy . . .

We are back at our own house now. It was a very fleeting visit to see my Nanny and Granddad, we normally go for much longer. We went to visit my friend Fizzy today before we left Greymouth and she had made us some very very cool backpacks. (Fizzy what is the Maori word for them?). I love mine, Mummy was very excited she didn't know that she was getting one too, she thought Fizzy had just made one for Luke and one for me. Luke has been sucking on his (off course) and Daddy is very jealous. Thanks Fizzy we will treasure our lovely backpacks.

After Greymouth we went to see my Great Nana and Aunty Bev and Reefton. Aunty Bev always says that we are going to have jelly on toast for lunch, but they haven't dished that up yet. When Nana and Mummy were doing the dishes Aunty Bev and I set off for the park, but I tripped over on the path and then Aunty Bev fell on top of me! There was screaming, tears and lots of blood. It was terrible. Aunty Bev came worst off though, she has got grazes all over her face. Poor Aunty Bev.

Keep looking Mummy . . .

This morning when Mummy was picking the car so we could leave Nanny and Granddad's house Granddad hid me behind a chair!!!

It took ages for Mummy to find me. I'm pleased she did, they talk about kidnapping me all the time and then I would have to live there!!! I would miss my Mummy.

Today we have been to see my other Great-Nana and my Aunty Bev. Nice.


My day in pictures . . .

I didn't have a smoke with Nanny . . .
Went up the hill to see my Granddad's village . . .
Granddad made me a boat. . .
We launched my boat . . .
I didn't touch Granddad's little houses . . .
We put little people in Granddad's swimming pool . . .
I was the king of the castle . . .
Went on the trampoline with my Mummy . . .
Went to see the big boats with my Granddad . . .
Threw stones in the water . . .

My day in pictures . . .

Went to an AA meeting with my Nanny . . .
Went to see my friend Fizzy . . .
Had cuddles with my Great Nana . . .
My Great-Granddad made a boat for me . . .

Nanny gave me a chocolate biscuit . . .


Hello Nanny and Granddad . . .

We are at my Nanny and Granddad's house. When Mummy finished school we got in the car, we being Mummy, Luke and I, we were off. Our first stop was Reefton, where we had afternoon tea with Nana and Aunty Bev. We weren't there for very long and it was to wet for a girl to go to the park. We are going to stop there on the way home for lunch and hopefully it will be fine enough so Aunty Bev can take me to the park.

Then we went to Nanny and Granddad's house. I have been playing with my Nanny and Granddad and reading the new books that my Nanny brought for me.

Things I learnt today:
It is very hard to walk when you put both legs in the same leg hole!

On the coast . . .

We are on holiday at Nanny and Granddad's house.


Poor Daddy . . .

Our Daddy looked after us today, and he is not happy because his shoulder is still very very sore. But even though he was sore he still took us to Playcentre. It was a busy morning at Playcentre, they did face painting today. I love face painting days! Today I was a butterfly.

After school Daddy went into town to see someone about his poor sore shoulder and Mummy, Luke and I went to visit Tiana and her family. They go to my Playcentre. I played with Tiana, and babies played together and the Mummy's drank cups of tea. What more could you possibly ask for an outing?

Apparently my Daddy has pinched a nerve in his neck and that is why he is so sore. That doesn't sound good, I shall have to be very kind and very gentle with my poor sore Daddy.

Not many babies . . .

We went to Playcentre today.

There weren't many babies there today.

Just me.


It must be Wednesday . . .

It must be Wednesday because our Gran came to look after us today. We went down to the Playcentre and there was a baby lamb there today! We all got to have a turn feeding the lamb his bottle, it was lots of fun. I wonder if they will get me a pet lamb.

This afternoon we Gran left Mummy, Luke and I got into the car and went the Doctor so that Luke got get his injection. But when we got there they said sorry he can't have this injection until he is ten months old.

I'm not sure what happened there, but Mummy was not happy. Apparently it took us an hour and a half from when we left to when we got home again. Apparently it was a bloody waste of time. Bloody Doctor's.

No injections for me . . .

We went to see the Doctor today, but I didn't get an injection.

That was lucky!


Where is my Mummy (part two) . . .

She didn't come home again before I went to bed. What is that all about then?

I haven't seen much of her at all today. I don't think I like this turn of events at all. On the up side I have had my Daddy all day.

Also my Gran came out to see us today. Gran and I went for a big walk and to the new park to play. We also went to the shop because Mummy gave me some money at lunch time.

Things I didn't do today:

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