Owwwwww my poor head . . .
We have been awake since 5.30. Luke has started waking up very very early. I think it's funny. Mummy does not. This morning when Luke woke up from his first sleep Mummy was in the shower, so I was a very good big sister and went in to read him a book. He likes that and stopped crying.
Henry Mytton has left a dead mouse at the bottom of the steps and Mummy has covered it up with a bucket. I am not allowed to touch the bucket. My Mummy hates mice and knows that she isn't supposed to project her irrational fears on to me (I have no idea what all that means, but it doesn't sounds good)but she just can't bring herself to move the mouse.
Apparently Henry Mytton is a little bastard.
We went to Playcentre this morning, Wednesday are normally busy days but today there were only eight children (and that includes Luke!) It was very quiet, I played with lots of different stuff, Mummy put the play hut up and I played babies with Angel, played with the water, had a go on the tricycle.
When we got home everyone was tired and grumpy so we all had a sleep. When I woke up I was busting to go to the loo but I was to late in getting to the toilet. I did wees all over the kitchen floor and then slipped in it and fell over and cracked the back of my head on the floor.
That's not funny.
There has been a lot of crying and now I am playing with my playdough and drinking fizzy.

Henry Mytton has left a dead mouse at the bottom of the steps and Mummy has covered it up with a bucket. I am not allowed to touch the bucket. My Mummy hates mice and knows that she isn't supposed to project her irrational fears on to me (I have no idea what all that means, but it doesn't sounds good)but she just can't bring herself to move the mouse.
Apparently Henry Mytton is a little bastard.
We went to Playcentre this morning, Wednesday are normally busy days but today there were only eight children (and that includes Luke!) It was very quiet, I played with lots of different stuff, Mummy put the play hut up and I played babies with Angel, played with the water, had a go on the tricycle.
When we got home everyone was tired and grumpy so we all had a sleep. When I woke up I was busting to go to the loo but I was to late in getting to the toilet. I did wees all over the kitchen floor and then slipped in it and fell over and cracked the back of my head on the floor.
That's not funny.
There has been a lot of crying and now I am playing with my playdough and drinking fizzy.

At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
>that's not funny.
U think?
At 5:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
You poor thing Gracie, I hope your head is feeling better. You are a good girl trying so hard to get to the toilet, and especially good reading to your brother.
At 8:17 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
see what happens Grandad, and it's not funny.
I did try very very hard Charlie but there just wasn't time.
This morning I have been reading Luke the Tiger who came to tea.
At 8:22 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
Charlie Mummy wants to know what you thought of the movie?
At 8:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
There's a movie of Grace slipping on the kitchen floor?
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Grace, I have put my opinion of the movie on Megan's blog. I actually agree with her on this one. Tell Mummy to wait for the DVD I say if you have to see it. Or a hundred times better still, read the book!
At 3:40 PM,
wegan said…
Yes grace, your mother should read the book. Except I'm willing to bet she did a good long while ago - she used to read a lot. Do you let her do that anymore?
At 3:41 PM,
wegan said…
and also, I'm with Mr Hunt.
At 8:46 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
Grandad there's no movie of me slipping, they are talking about the DaVinci Code movie
Mummy has read the book and loved it, I do let her read sometimes
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I knew that!
(it'd be a great movie tho')
At 8:03 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
sorry Grandad, forgot you read Megan's blog too.
you could start the movie with a train track and a car driving along the road . . .
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