Party party party . . .
We have had a huge day. Early this morning we got up and went into town. Our first stop was at Gran and Grandad's house so we could drop off Luke's stewed apples, because Mummy didn't want to cart it around all day and we were going to be staying there for tea. I don't know why she bothered with all the fuss because he doesn't like food anyway and makes a right song and dance about it when she feeds him. Something was said about him being a drama queen.
Now that's interesting because I'm normally called a drama queen, not sure why he is one as well.
We then went to see Nana and Grandad Saxon, Nana had my white chocolates for me and Grandad had the toys, so all was good there.
After that we went to see my French boys. Two of them had been playing rugby, Matthew got player of the day. Hooray for Matthew, well done.
Then we went to Michael's birthday. He is three now. I tell people I'm four, apparently that's not true though. At the party we played pass the parcel, had lots of party food and went across the road to play soccer ball and have races. I was so tired when we left I had to have a sleep in the car, as did Luke.
They have had two celebrations at Michael's house this weekend because his Mummy and Daddy got married yesterday. They didn't tell anyone, just invited their Gran's around and did it at home. Apparently that's a good thing, the adults were all very excited about it. I would rather have gone to Michaels party because we got cake and party bags.
Our last stop for the day was to see Gran and Grandad. I woke up grumpy and was delightful of course. Mummy and Grandad and I went to the park to play, I had a big swing. We didn't play grumpy Daddies, but Mummy was grumpy because there were some big girls there and they were eating chicken and throwing the bones on the ground all around the swings. Mummy told them off because small children play there and they picked up their bones and left the park.
We had tea with Gran and Grandad and then I played with them, of course. They were very entertaining as usual. Daddy is staying at their house because he has gone to a party in town, Mummy and Luke and I are home alone again. On the way home I remember that Gran was going to get me some ice cream, but I hadn't had any, I told Mummy to turn around and go back but she wasn't keen.
How rude!

Now that's interesting because I'm normally called a drama queen, not sure why he is one as well.
We then went to see Nana and Grandad Saxon, Nana had my white chocolates for me and Grandad had the toys, so all was good there.
After that we went to see my French boys. Two of them had been playing rugby, Matthew got player of the day. Hooray for Matthew, well done.
Then we went to Michael's birthday. He is three now. I tell people I'm four, apparently that's not true though. At the party we played pass the parcel, had lots of party food and went across the road to play soccer ball and have races. I was so tired when we left I had to have a sleep in the car, as did Luke.
They have had two celebrations at Michael's house this weekend because his Mummy and Daddy got married yesterday. They didn't tell anyone, just invited their Gran's around and did it at home. Apparently that's a good thing, the adults were all very excited about it. I would rather have gone to Michaels party because we got cake and party bags.
Our last stop for the day was to see Gran and Grandad. I woke up grumpy and was delightful of course. Mummy and Grandad and I went to the park to play, I had a big swing. We didn't play grumpy Daddies, but Mummy was grumpy because there were some big girls there and they were eating chicken and throwing the bones on the ground all around the swings. Mummy told them off because small children play there and they picked up their bones and left the park.
We had tea with Gran and Grandad and then I played with them, of course. They were very entertaining as usual. Daddy is staying at their house because he has gone to a party in town, Mummy and Luke and I are home alone again. On the way home I remember that Gran was going to get me some ice cream, but I hadn't had any, I told Mummy to turn around and go back but she wasn't keen.
How rude!

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