There's a boat in my bath . . .
Right so today Gran came to look after Luke and I. Also because it is a Wednesday we went to Playcentre. I don't moan and cry when they say I am going to Playcentre, just when they say I am going to Kindy. I had a great time at Playcentre, there were lots of kiddies to play with. Luke had a great time and was walking around getting into everything. When Mummy came over at lunch time Luke had just got into the paints, so she wouldn't give him a cuddle. Funny.
When we got home Mummy had been to the Toy Library and had brought home a boat and a slide. I have been playing boats for a couple of days now, with a box. The new boat is very very cool. I put it in the bath at bath time, but it didn't float so that was very disappointing.