We have had a very quite day today because has been doing some marking already. I don't like it when she does marking, it is very very boring. Luke and I have been keeping out of the way and entertaining ourselves today.
We have been out on the trampoline watching the farmer make bales of hay.
We have been in the sandpit making roads and playing with the trucks and diggers.
We have been colouring in and drawing pictures.
We made some popcorn and watched a DVD.
We played outside on the swings and on the slide.
We played with Luke's new train set.
We played with my new Barbie doll's house.
We read some books and I told Luke what the things were in the pictures.
We played with Kate and made her laugh.
We had a bath and did lots of laughing.
Hang on a minute, that wasn't such a boring day after all! It is very good thing that I have a brother to play with when Mummy is busy!