And then there were three . . .


Tents and visitors . . .

Last night Daddy put my tent up in the lounge. After Luke had gone to bed Mummy and I filled it up with toys and pillows and read lots and lots of books.

We didn't end up going into town today because we have had lots of visitors at home.

This morning Tanya came to visit us (I forgot to ask her how her chicken is though). We had a great visit, I got out my playdough and my Elefun game. I also got out my new guitar and played Tanya a song while she did a dance for me.

This afternoon Gran and Grandad came to visit us. Luke was farting and stinking, Gran nearly had a change a horrible nappy, but he was just farting. I think he is storing it all up for Mummy.

We playing my Elefun game again, I made Gran and Grandad and Mummy cups of tea with my tea set. Then we went for a walk around the village. We stopped at two different parks so I could have some swings and some slides, then I showed Grandad where my Playcentre is. He was the troll under the bridge and tried to get my feet when I run over it.

How to get Grace into trouble in one easy step . . .



A style all of my own . . .

We have still got the man flu at our house. Mummy says she is sick of the man flu and we are going into town tomorrow. Daddy says that doesn't matter because he is going to work tomorrow.

Apparently if Mummy had of known that we would have gone into town today.

So what did we do today?

I helped Daddy fill up the woodbox.
Played in the rain in my Tiger suit.
Got a very very cool parcel from my Nanny, with a new guitar! Hooray (Conny you can keep you one now) a new pink poncho that my Nanny made and some other clothes for Luke and for me. Thanks Nanny, I love my parcel.
Went for a walk with Mummy.
Had a sleep with Mummy and Luke.
Had my hair pulled by Luke.
We had two lots of visitors.

I am developing a style all of my own. Mummy keeps suggesting things I could be wearing, but I don't listen to her. Something was said about at least I'm not wearing my Tigger boots all the time anymore.

We shall see about that.


I am five months old today.

I managed to pull Gracie's hair today.

She yelled!

It was very very funny.


The man flu and tea parties . . .

We were supposed to go into town today, go visiting, have a picnic in the park (you know the one with the big whale) and have tea with Gran. That sounds like a great day to me!

But Daddy has the man flu. He is very very very very very very very very very very very very very sick. Mummy is very very very very very very very very very very very very very tolerant (which basically means she is ignoring him).

So instead of going to town we have been keeping ourselves amused at home. We wrote out invititions to a tea party in the lounge. We invited Mummy, Daddy, Luke and I. Luke couldn't come though because he was asleep. At one stage of the morning Daddy was uninvited for being grumpy, but we let him come in the end.

We had a tea party, I was in charge of pouring the tea. It's trickier than it looks you know.

Everyone went to bed to have a sleep after lunch. Daddy and Luke went to bed first, then Mummy and I decided that we were very tired and needed a sleep too (someone was awake at 5 o'clock again).

When everyone woke up it was time to play with the playdough.

Hooray for Gracie!

Last November was my second birthday and Tanya and Kirsty brought me a very very cool playdough kit. It was put away and only found yesterday in a cupboard. They are blaming each other for that. I don't care I got to make elephant's, birds and giraffes.

Hooray for Gracie!

Listen Daddy!

Poor Daddy has the man flu.

I can sympathise because I don't feel very well either. But I think he is much sicker than me, it must be because he is bigger than me.

Daddy and Grace gave me a swing this afternoon. He tried to give me a big swing and Grace told him off.

I'm only allowed little swings.

Of course I'm only a little boy.


Today it's all about Luke . . .

Last night Mummy managed to get Luke's big fat bum into my pushchair and I pushed him all over the house. It was great fun! Mummy had to move very fast to keep up with me.

This morning Luke was crying in his cot because he did not want to go to sleep so while Mummy was busy with the washing I climbed into the cot with him and read him some stories. I think he was delighted to see me because not only did he stop crying, but he got to get up as well.

We had to take Luke to the doctor for his injections today. I don't think he likes injections very much because he cried. A lot. Poor Luke.

Next we went to a cafe for a drink and ended up having lunch but don't tell Daddy) there because Luke had gone to sleep. He slept through the whole thing.

Babies sleep and a lot. That means they miss out on a lot.

Speaking of sleep I didn't wake up this morning until 7 o'clock. Someone is not nearly so grumpy today.

Further indignities of being a baby . . .

Last night my Mummy put me into Grace's dolls pram and I was pushed all around the house. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Today we went to see the doctor. It was a lovely outing, there were lots of new faces to see, new people to chat to. Mummy read to us in the waiting room, lots and lots of books (because we were there for a long time).

Then we went in to see the doctor. Pip is lovely, she chatted to me, looked in my eyes and in my ears, listened to my heart, asked Mummy lots of questions about me.

But all the time, in the back of my mind, I had a niggling feeling that I had been here before. Also that it was not a pleasant place for a baby to be.

I lay on a bed in the doctor's office. More people talked to me. Mummy was being very very funny and I was laughing and laughing.

Then bloody hell someone stuck a needle my leg. And that was not the end of it, there were three needles!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It @#$!#%^&$* hurt!!!!!!!!!

Poor me. (everybody say ahhh poor Luke).


Another early morning . . .

I was up again at 5 o'clock this morning. Again Mummy helped me go to the loo, got me a bot and turned the TV on down in the lounge. I'm not to sure how long this good thing is going to last though, because while they were all sleeping I pushed my table up to the fridge and got out some Ginger Beer and an Easter Egg.

It has been another rainy day, so we couldn't go outside to play. But I have been painting, avoiding crocodiles, colouring and we made a boat.

I also had a huge sleep from 12.30 until 3.30. Hooray I may be up all night again.I don't like my chances though, Mummy is not well and has twisted a muscle in her neck - she is getting pretty grumpy.

Wet day entertainment. . .

Apparently there are crocodiles in between the couches, so she can't touch the floor.

I hope they don't realise I'm here, I don't think I could move as fast as Grace.


I had a very early start . . .

This morning I woke up at 5 o'clock. There was no going back to sleep. I was busting so I had to get up to go to the loo. Unfortunately for Mummy I needed help so she had to get up too. Then of course because we were both up and I needed a bot.

Mummy turned on the TV in the lounge, got me a pillow and a blanket and left me there! Something was said about it being to bloody early to get up, nice! I didn't mind at all.

When Mummy and Luke finally got up I told her I was going to be a sheep, so don't understand why she was so suprised to find me trying to climb over the fence into the paddock. It is a tricky fence to climb, I might try going through it next time.

We had to fill the wood box today, so while Mummy did all the hard work I washed out the ash bucket with the hose. Apparently I am 'as anal as my father'. I don't know what that means, but hey I like my Daddy so that can't be all bad.

On the Luke front I found him sleeping in Mummy's bed this morning, the door was open and he was unguarded. That's asking for trouble really.

Things I learnt today:
It is okay to feed Henry cat biscuits one by one from the bowl, when you carry then into the lounge from the laundry.

It is not okay to carry Henry's water bowl into the lounge.

I can not do wees in the potty when I am standing up.

Owwwwww I'm telling Mum!

I got my first smacked bum today.

I was lying on the floor with no clothes on (as you do) and Grace came bounding into the room and smacked my bum - repeatedly.

It really really hurt and my bum was very very red.

I cried and she got into so much trouble.


Goodbye Connor . . .

This morning we had to drive to Murchison so Conny's Daddy could take him home. I have been with my big cousin for nine days.

We are ready for a break from each other. But I did enjoy having him stay at my house.

Things I have learnt about 6 year old boys:
They play cool games.
They will ignore you when bigger kids are around and play with them.
They like to have stories read to them.
They eat a lot.
They get very grumpy when you dance in front of the TV.
They decide what you will be watching on the TV.
They have the remote control.
They like playing in the sandpit.
They are very good at pulling the Flying Fox up for their girl cousins.
They go to bed when they are asked to, and go straight to sleep.

Speaking of which I woke up at 12.30 this morning and was still awake at 3.00. Someone is very grumpy today. (It's not me because I slept all the way to Murchison and back).

This afternoon I having been playing outside in the rain. I love playing outside in the rain. I also love that I get a nice warm bath after I have been outside playing in the rain.

Still more family . . .

Who is this huge man?

It's my Uncle Brenton.

Hello Uncle Brenton.


Two cousins . . .

Conny and I were just lying around this morning watching TV and a fire engine turned up! Then a fireman came into the house! Then some more firemen climbed up onto the roof! Then some more firemen stood around and chatted (and one of them was smoking - that's not right).

We didn't have a fire though, they were cleaning our chimney.

My cousin Mia came today, she and her Daddy are staying with her Grandad up the road because he has had an operation on his hip (Note to self: I must find out where my hip is). Mia came to play with Conny and I.

And good news Mummy took us back to Quinney's Bush (two times in two days - good score for Gracie).

The big kids kept going off on their own and not playing with me very much. But there was a boy named Jacob (like my French boy) who had a Granny cart and he gave us all a ride.

The big kids made me pull the flying fox for them, it was very very hard to do, because I am only two you know.

I did let them play with my playdough when we got home. I also let them play with my Elefun game (my French boys brought it for my birthday).

Tonight we are having movie night and fish and chips for tea because Conny is staying with us. He picked a movie called Sky High.

(Note from the editor: Sadly Grace did not get to watch the movie. She did not even have tea. She fell apart at 5.30, had a bath with Mum and went to bed. She was sound asleep by 5.50. If she wakes up at 5.30am and wants to get up there will be trouble).

My day in pictures . . .

The fun really has started!

Mummy brought me a bath seat, now I can lie back and relax (and kick Grace).

This morning Mummy put my swing up and Connor and Grace swung me.

This afternoon I lay outside under a tree and watched the leaves.



Chickens and Flying Foxes . . .

This morning we went to see Tanya, Connor and I helped her feed her chickens. It has been ages since I have been to Tanya's house. She used to have three chickens, but now only has one. It's a good thing I went to help feed her chicken, I don't think she has been looking after them very well.

She also has a kitten, nobody told me that, the kitten was very very cute. Daddy I think I need a kitten. I love you Daddy!

After Tanya's house we went to Quinney's Bush, which is a camping ground and huge playground. We had a great time, there was heaps to do, flying foxes, swings, slides, a skateboard ramp (I need a skateboard Daddy. I love you Daddy).

Conny met a boy there who is in his class at school, so they took off and left me behind.

Bad news for Gracie.

I had to play with Mummy and Luke.

When Conny's friend went home he played with me. I sat in the tyre for the flying fox and he pulled me up to the top and let go! What a thrill!

We are going back tomorrow. Hooray for Gracie!


It's always a good day when they take me to the park . . .

We went to the Warehouse this morning so Connor could spend his $30 and so I could spend my $5. His Daddy gave him some and then when we were in Reefton Aunty Bev gave Connor $10 and me $5. She had brought Easter Eggs for all the niece's and nephews but she ate them all! She even ate the Easter Eggs that she brought for her own daughter!!!

Anyway she felt very guilty so paid us off.

After the Warehouse we went to McDonalds for lunch (it's great having a cousin to stay).

After lunch we went to feed the ducks, then on to the park across the road from Gran's house. You will be able to see in the photo my Daddy falling off one of the toys, I didn't fall off it.

Dad you're supposed to sit on it!!!

We had tea tonight with my Gran, Grandad was not there because he is in Westport still with his digger.

Things I learnt for my cousin Conny today:
When you have a big brother they can teach you how to click your fingers. It is a very very hard thing to do and you need to practice lots, then you will just be able to do it.

I think I will teach Luke tomorrow.

I hope he practices a lot.

I hope someone teaches me how to do it first.

Another day, another cuddle . . .

We went to see my Great Nana this morning. That is a good place for a boy, always guaranteed another big cuddle.

My question for the day though is why does Connor have that very cool Spiderman sweat-shirt on and I am wearing this yellow thing???????

That's not right!


Goodbye Nana Hunt and Aunty Bev, Hello Daddy . . .

This morning Aunty Bev took Connor and I to a new park in Reefton. It is not the usual one that we normally go to. Mummy came to pick us up in the car because it was a long long walk for little girls to get home.

We spent the morning at Nana's house and after lunch got into the car (with Conny) and headed home. I slept the whole way, hooray I will be up all night.

I have been showing Connor all my toys. We have been playing in my sandpit, outside with the ball and of course we have been playing Tigers and Rabbits. Conny didn't want to be the Rabbits, I think that is because he didn't want to wear the pink rabbit dressing gown.

Hooray my Daddy is home and when he has had his tea he is going to play cards with Conny and I.

Things I learnt today from my big cousin Connor:
When you go to Australia on the plane for a holiday you leave your car in New Zealand and they just give you another one when you get to Australia so you don't have to take your car on the plane.

His Daddy may be hairy, but he is very strong.

I think I may learn a lot from Conny, he sounds like a wealth of information.


Goodbye Nanny and Grandad . . .

Nanny give me a tool set!!!!!!!!!!! It is so cool, it has a hammer, a saw and heaps of other tools. Now I will be able to build things. Hooray for Gracie!!!!!

I love my tool set, thanks Nanny!!!

We left Nanny and Grandad today and went to Reefton to see Nana Hunt and Aunty Bev.
My cousin Connor came with us. Apparently he is coming to stay at my house. Hooray for Gracie!!!!

When we got to Reefton there was no Aunty Bev though. She normally takes me to the park, but she had gone to Auckland to the the Rolling Stones. I don't know who they are, but Aunty Bev was very very excited when she got home.

Anyway Mummy took Connor and I to the park and then we went to see the Reefton skateboard park. It was very exciting I need a skateboard now. (I love you Daddy).

My boyfriend Craig went to the Reefton skateboard park and hurt his leg doing jumps, so I will have to be extra careful when I get my skateboard. (I promise Daddy).

We are going to sleep at Nana Hunt's house, Mummy thinks I am going to sleep on my blow up Dora bed next to her air bed. She is very very wrong.

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