Loads of sand . . .
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
This afternoon Mummy and I were getting tea ready when Grandad turned up with loads and loads of sand! He is making a sandpit for Luke's birthday present and he was working near us today and brought the sand around. Hooray!
I hope it doesn't all blow away in the wind though!

This afternoon Mummy and I were getting tea ready when Grandad turned up with loads and loads of sand! He is making a sandpit for Luke's birthday present and he was working near us today and brought the sand around. Hooray!
I hope it doesn't all blow away in the wind though!

Another busy Monday . . .
Monday, 29 October 2007
We had a very busy day today. First up I had my swimming lesson, then after that we went to Henry's house for a visit. Henry is in my swimming class, and after every lesson Henry and I always play in the little pool for about 30 minutes, so today his Mummy invited us to their house for a visit.
Next we went to Kindy. The little ones fell asleep on the way to Kindy, so Mummy put them in the buggy and they all went for a big walk. After Kindy I had my dancing class, then finally finally I got to Gran's house.
Because we are home alone at the moment (Daddy is away all week studying for St John's) we had tea and a bath at Gran's house. That was all good for me because I got to have a long play there and a long visit. Nice.

We had a very busy day today. First up I had my swimming lesson, then after that we went to Henry's house for a visit. Henry is in my swimming class, and after every lesson Henry and I always play in the little pool for about 30 minutes, so today his Mummy invited us to their house for a visit.
Next we went to Kindy. The little ones fell asleep on the way to Kindy, so Mummy put them in the buggy and they all went for a big walk. After Kindy I had my dancing class, then finally finally I got to Gran's house.
Because we are home alone at the moment (Daddy is away all week studying for St John's) we had tea and a bath at Gran's house. That was all good for me because I got to have a long play there and a long visit. Nice.

Lovely clean babies . . .

. . . it was odd to find such an exciting thing to play with because they are normally so careful about child proofing. But today I wandered into the wood shed.
I liked it in there, I may have to go back next time we visit.
We had two lots of visitors today . . .
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Our first visitors were Tarn and baby James. Hooray! It was the first time that baby James had been to our house, so I was delighted to see him and show him some of Kate's toys. I even showed Tarn how I could put Kate into the Exer-saucer all by myself. I don't think she was very keen on me putting James in it though. I promise that I would be very very very very very careful Tarn!
Our next lot of visitors were Karen, Milly and Michael. We had some lunch at outside on the picnic table. I love eating outside on the picnic table (unlike Grandad Alan). Then we played on the trampoline, it was a bit crowded up there with four kiddies. After that we went for a walk to get some ice creams and had a big play at our park. I love going to the park.

Our first visitors were Tarn and baby James. Hooray! It was the first time that baby James had been to our house, so I was delighted to see him and show him some of Kate's toys. I even showed Tarn how I could put Kate into the Exer-saucer all by myself. I don't think she was very keen on me putting James in it though. I promise that I would be very very very very very careful Tarn!
Our next lot of visitors were Karen, Milly and Michael. We had some lunch at outside on the picnic table. I love eating outside on the picnic table (unlike Grandad Alan). Then we played on the trampoline, it was a bit crowded up there with four kiddies. After that we went for a walk to get some ice creams and had a big play at our park. I love going to the park.

Tents and Barbie movies . . .
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Yesterday I got a new pop up tent in the mail (that Mummy scored on Trademe for $5!) Last night after tea we made up a bed in the tent and I went to sleep in it! Hooray for tents! I do have a big one, but with all of Luke and Kate's stuff in there, there is no room for my tent. I didn't sleep all night in the tent though, I woke up in the middle of the night and climbed into my own bed. Tents are very cool, but not very comfortable.
When I was watching TV today I saw an ad for the Barbie movie that was going to play on TV tonight. Mummy said that if I had tidied up my toys, had a shower and was in my Pyjamas that I could watch it! The bad news for Mummy and Daddy is that the movies goes from 8 until 9.30, so they have to watch it too.

Yesterday I got a new pop up tent in the mail (that Mummy scored on Trademe for $5!) Last night after tea we made up a bed in the tent and I went to sleep in it! Hooray for tents! I do have a big one, but with all of Luke and Kate's stuff in there, there is no room for my tent. I didn't sleep all night in the tent though, I woke up in the middle of the night and climbed into my own bed. Tents are very cool, but not very comfortable.
When I was watching TV today I saw an ad for the Barbie movie that was going to play on TV tonight. Mummy said that if I had tidied up my toys, had a shower and was in my Pyjamas that I could watch it! The bad news for Mummy and Daddy is that the movies goes from 8 until 9.30, so they have to watch it too.

A year ago today . . .
Thursday, 25 October 2007
It must be Wednesday because our Gran came to look after us today. I didn't see Gran in the weekend so I was very excited to see her today. We have been playing lots of games, reading lots of books and we went down to the Playcentre. Nice.
When Mummy got home Gran had to go and get Grandad's tea so we have been playing with our Mummy. She is very tired and feeling very sick, so it was a bit hard to get her interested in games this afternoon. It's a good thing I know so many fun things that we could do together, I had lots of suggestions.
I have been very helpful again this afternoon, I fed Luke and I did try to wash his hair again in the bath - but Mummy said no. Spoil sport.

It must be Wednesday because our Gran came to look after us today. I didn't see Gran in the weekend so I was very excited to see her today. We have been playing lots of games, reading lots of books and we went down to the Playcentre. Nice.
When Mummy got home Gran had to go and get Grandad's tea so we have been playing with our Mummy. She is very tired and feeling very sick, so it was a bit hard to get her interested in games this afternoon. It's a good thing I know so many fun things that we could do together, I had lots of suggestions.
I have been very helpful again this afternoon, I fed Luke and I did try to wash his hair again in the bath - but Mummy said no. Spoil sport.

A grumpy boy in the sandpit . . .
I have got ANOTHER COLD! I am sick of getting bloody colds!
Today I have been a bit out of sorts. Mummy still took Kate and I to Playcentre though, Daddy said she should stay at home, Mummy said if she stays at home her head might explode.
I don't know what that is all about, I hope her head doesn't explode! What a mess! If it exploded in the car it would make a huge mess and then Daddy would not be happy at all!

Today I have been a bit out of sorts. Mummy still took Kate and I to Playcentre though, Daddy said she should stay at home, Mummy said if she stays at home her head might explode.
I don't know what that is all about, I hope her head doesn't explode! What a mess! If it exploded in the car it would make a huge mess and then Daddy would not be happy at all!

Happy early birthday to us . . .
Wednesday, 24 October 2007

This morning my friend Ella came to play at my house for the day. We were busy playing with the Barbies and Daddy was outside mowing the lawns, then he came in and said who wants an early birthday present?
Of course Luke and I both thought that was a brilliant idea! Our early birthday present was . . . a trampoline!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!! Mummy said she scored it, brand new, off Trademe. She got it for $1! The man who sells them normally puts them on for $1 reserve, or buy now for $385. He made a mistake and put it on Trademe for $1 buy now. My Mummy and Daddy were very quick and grabbed it fast! What a great bargain!
So we all helped Daddy to put it up, then Ella, Luke and I had a great time jumping on the Trampoline. Ella and I also used it as a hut and played Barbies under it.
After lunch Ella and I made slime with Mummy. I love slime! We mixed in lots of colours, spread it all over the little trampoline, I got told off for spreading it on the new trampoline. Then we threw it up in the air and run underneath it. After that we had to have a bath and wash our hair.
I have had a wonderful day.

Of course Luke and I both thought that was a brilliant idea! Our early birthday present was . . . a trampoline!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!! Mummy said she scored it, brand new, off Trademe. She got it for $1! The man who sells them normally puts them on for $1 reserve, or buy now for $385. He made a mistake and put it on Trademe for $1 buy now. My Mummy and Daddy were very quick and grabbed it fast! What a great bargain!
So we all helped Daddy to put it up, then Ella, Luke and I had a great time jumping on the Trampoline. Ella and I also used it as a hut and played Barbies under it.
After lunch Ella and I made slime with Mummy. I love slime! We mixed in lots of colours, spread it all over the little trampoline, I got told off for spreading it on the new trampoline. Then we threw it up in the air and run underneath it. After that we had to have a bath and wash our hair.
I have had a wonderful day.