What to do when there is no power . . .
Sunday, 29 July 2007

Today we had a huge power cut. The power went off about 10 in the morning and didn't come back on until the afternoon. Luke threw a huge hissy fit and kept trying to turn the TV on. It was very very funny. But not for Luke (obviously). It was quite a warm morning today, so Mummy put our jackets on us and we took the new bucket of chalk outside so that we could draw pictures. We also played cafes and beaches. Inside we played with the blocks. Luke was very good at doing what he is told today.
After lunch Gran and Grandad turned up for a visit. When they turned up we were all in the woodshed filling up the woodbox. We played with Gran and Grandad and when Kate woke up everyone went across the road to the school so that Luke and I could have a run around and a play. Nice.
After lunch Gran and Grandad turned up for a visit. When they turned up we were all in the woodshed filling up the woodbox. We played with Gran and Grandad and when Kate woke up everyone went across the road to the school so that Luke and I could have a run around and a play. Nice.
Also I have a new cousin. My Aunty Ade and Uncle Lee have a new baby. He is so cute. I hope that Jarvee will love being a big brother. I love being a big sister! (Mostly).

Party, party, party . . .
Last night the big kids next door had a party. They woke me up with all the noise about 1 in the morning. It sounded very very exciting. There was music, laughing, yelling and lots of car noises. I really really really really really wanted to go and have a look, but I wasn't allowed to. I had to stay in bed.
About 4 am I was still awake and Gracie woke up and wanted to get into our bed. Mummy chased her away. Anyway to cut a long story short Gracie got into bed with Mummy and Kate and I ended up sleeping in the Daddy bed. Nice.
Because of my lack of sleep I have been a bit grumpy today. I did managed to stay awake long enough for a visit with Gran and Grandad. When they went home I had a bath with Grace and Kate. I was in bed asleep by 4 o'clock. Nice.

About 4 am I was still awake and Gracie woke up and wanted to get into our bed. Mummy chased her away. Anyway to cut a long story short Gracie got into bed with Mummy and Kate and I ended up sleeping in the Daddy bed. Nice.
Because of my lack of sleep I have been a bit grumpy today. I did managed to stay awake long enough for a visit with Gran and Grandad. When they went home I had a bath with Grace and Kate. I was in bed asleep by 4 o'clock. Nice.

No visiting today (bloody Luke) . . .
Saturday, 28 July 2007
We were supposed to go into town today, but Mummy had such a terrible night with Luke that she was to tired to go anywhere. He (apparently) didn't sleep for longer that an hour at an one time. She is a bit grumpy today. That's a pity I was looking forward to going visiting.
Instead we have been at home all day. I have been in my pyjama's all day. Nice. Luke and I have been playing outside lots and lots today. The big kids are having their school ball tonight, so there has been lots of coming and going next door with lots and lots of teenagers. We have been hanging around the gate, but they are not interested in talking to Luke and I at all. Mummy said never mind, when I am sixteen those big boys will be thirty, then they will want to talk to me (and I am not allowed to talk to them!)

We were supposed to go into town today, but Mummy had such a terrible night with Luke that she was to tired to go anywhere. He (apparently) didn't sleep for longer that an hour at an one time. She is a bit grumpy today. That's a pity I was looking forward to going visiting.
Instead we have been at home all day. I have been in my pyjama's all day. Nice. Luke and I have been playing outside lots and lots today. The big kids are having their school ball tonight, so there has been lots of coming and going next door with lots and lots of teenagers. We have been hanging around the gate, but they are not interested in talking to Luke and I at all. Mummy said never mind, when I am sixteen those big boys will be thirty, then they will want to talk to me (and I am not allowed to talk to them!)

Cleaning and playing . . .
Friday, 27 July 2005
Mummy and I have been very busy today. We have done the housework and we have cleaned out some of the wardrobes. We have put lots of clothes and shoes and books that aren't used anymore into bags to go to the op shop. Daddy will be delighted.
I have also been playing lots of games today. The favourite game for the day has been Kindy. I am always Aunty Trina and Mummy and Luke are a variety of different people. It's always a good day when they do what I tell them.

Mummy and I have been very busy today. We have done the housework and we have cleaned out some of the wardrobes. We have put lots of clothes and shoes and books that aren't used anymore into bags to go to the op shop. Daddy will be delighted.
I have also been playing lots of games today. The favourite game for the day has been Kindy. I am always Aunty Trina and Mummy and Luke are a variety of different people. It's always a good day when they do what I tell them.

Lots of visiting . . .
Thursday, 26 July 2007

I went back to Kindy today. I am pleased that I got to go, I have missed Kindy. Before Kindy today we went to visit my old Nana and old Grandad. All was good there, we ate Nana's yummy muffins that she had made. I think I should make some yummy muffins with my Mummy.
After Kindy we had to go to Gran's house to pick Luke up. Apparently we are not allowed to go home without him. I played for a while at Gran's house. We played hide and seek, I didn't want to stop playing but it was time to go home. Gran and Grandad are coming to visit on Sunday, I will have to find some good hiding places at my house before then.
Tonight when Kate was on the floor she was a bit grumpy so I picked her up and rocked her back and forth. I also sung 'Rock a bye baby' to her. (I didn't drop her though).

I went back to Kindy today. I am pleased that I got to go, I have missed Kindy. Before Kindy today we went to visit my old Nana and old Grandad. All was good there, we ate Nana's yummy muffins that she had made. I think I should make some yummy muffins with my Mummy.
After Kindy we had to go to Gran's house to pick Luke up. Apparently we are not allowed to go home without him. I played for a while at Gran's house. We played hide and seek, I didn't want to stop playing but it was time to go home. Gran and Grandad are coming to visit on Sunday, I will have to find some good hiding places at my house before then.
Tonight when Kate was on the floor she was a bit grumpy so I picked her up and rocked her back and forth. I also sung 'Rock a bye baby' to her. (I didn't drop her though).
I'm grumpy but I'm strong . . .

This morning I ran into a door! I ran straight into it and then fell over backwards. There was a huge bump on my head and lots and lots of crying and screaming. Poor me!
When Gracie went to Kindy today Kate, Mummy and I went to hang out with Gran. I did my exercises. It was easy to do my exercises without Gracie getting in the way!
You're going to need a cup of tea . . .
Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Mummy said she hasn't done the blog for a couple of days because the internet has been down at our house. Apparently it is like having your arm cut off!
Last week when I met Tarn's Mummy, Yvonne, she had some ear rings in her ears. Then when I saw her again on Saturday she had different ear rings in her ears. After we dropped Luke off at Tarn's house (hooray) I told Mummy that I forgot to look at Yvonne's ear rings.
Today Mummy, Kate and I went to the Doctor's so that Kate could get her six week injections. She was not happy about that, she screamed and screamed. Poor Kate.
My Gran turned up at the Doctor's office, that was a good score. So we all went to a cafe for lunch. I love going to cafes, and there was no Luke, so it was very relaxed and pleasant. Nice.
When we got back to Tarn's place I helped Yvonne to get the fire wood in, feed the chicken and collect the mail.
Today Yvonne's ear rings were gold on the sharp bits and white in the middle. When we were driving home I told Mummy that I think Yvonne must be a princess to have so many beautiful ear rings!

Last week when I met Tarn's Mummy, Yvonne, she had some ear rings in her ears. Then when I saw her again on Saturday she had different ear rings in her ears. After we dropped Luke off at Tarn's house (hooray) I told Mummy that I forgot to look at Yvonne's ear rings.
Today Mummy, Kate and I went to the Doctor's so that Kate could get her six week injections. She was not happy about that, she screamed and screamed. Poor Kate.
My Gran turned up at the Doctor's office, that was a good score. So we all went to a cafe for lunch. I love going to cafes, and there was no Luke, so it was very relaxed and pleasant. Nice.
When we got back to Tarn's place I helped Yvonne to get the fire wood in, feed the chicken and collect the mail.
Today Yvonne's ear rings were gold on the sharp bits and white in the middle. When we were driving home I told Mummy that I think Yvonne must be a princess to have so many beautiful ear rings!

Tarn and Yvonne's boy . . .
Today Mummy and the girls went somewhere together. They left me with Tarn and Yvonne. Not that I am complaining . . . it is always lovely to be the only kiddie around for a while. I had lots of cuddles and lots of attention. I fell asleep while Yvonne was giving me some cuddles. I woke up just before Mummy and the girls got back, so I actually wasted most of my time sleeping.
Nevermind. Yvonne took Gracie and I to feed the chicken, we also helped her to get the fire wood in. She also took us for a walk and we played outside while Yvonne talked on the phone to one of her big boys.
I had a lovely visit. Thanks Tarn and Yvonne - I will try to stay awake next time!

Nevermind. Yvonne took Gracie and I to feed the chicken, we also helped her to get the fire wood in. She also took us for a walk and we played outside while Yvonne talked on the phone to one of her big boys.
I had a lovely visit. Thanks Tarn and Yvonne - I will try to stay awake next time!

How to ruin a lovely outing . . .

Today they took me to the Doctor's office. It sounded like a nice thing to do. Gracie was very excited about going there, so I though maybe it was a fun place to go.
IT IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was taken into a wee room and a very nice lady chatted away to me. Then she stuck a needle in my leg!!!!!!! I calmed down and she stuck another needle in my leg. Then just when I thought it was all over she did it again!!!!!!!!!
I don't think I want to go back to the Doctor's office.
My check up . . .
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
I didn't go to Kindy again today! Mummy wants to have one more day at home to make sure that no one else is going to get sick. What we did do today was go across the road to the school so that I could see Trisha, the Nurse, so she could do my last Well Child check up.
All was good. Trisha has done all my check ups since I was a tiny baby like Kate. I had my eyes tested as well, I had to wear a patch like a Pirate and point to the letters on a card. I wasn't to keen on being a Pirate though.
After that we went over to the library, out library has new people working in it and is looking great (very child friendly). They have a very cool new story chair that you can sit in and read books. Nice.

All was good. Trisha has done all my check ups since I was a tiny baby like Kate. I had my eyes tested as well, I had to wear a patch like a Pirate and point to the letters on a card. I wasn't to keen on being a Pirate though.
After that we went over to the library, out library has new people working in it and is looking great (very child friendly). They have a very cool new story chair that you can sit in and read books. Nice.

No Kindy today . . .
Monday, 23 July 2007
Right so there was no Kindy today. Luke has been MISERABLE! Also Mummy doesn't know if Kate and I are going to get sick as well. She said Aunty Trina would not thank her for taking me to Kindy today.
On a positive note my Dora magazines turned up today - so that has been keeping me very busy. Also Mummy has downloaded my new favourite song (Who let the dogs out) so Luke and I have been doing lots of dancing. Nice.

Right so there was no Kindy today. Luke has been MISERABLE! Also Mummy doesn't know if Kate and I are going to get sick as well. She said Aunty Trina would not thank her for taking me to Kindy today.
On a positive note my Dora magazines turned up today - so that has been keeping me very busy. Also Mummy has downloaded my new favourite song (Who let the dogs out) so Luke and I have been doing lots of dancing. Nice.

You can still call me chuck . . .
Last night I woke up again at 3 am and again I threw up all over the bed (this time Gracie was in the bed to, that was a bit of a bonus, she was horrified!). Again Mummy got up and changed everything, Gracie and Kate were put into Gracie's bed.
I didn't need a bath this time, so when we were all settle back into, with Gracie back in her bed, because she was so very very horrified. Mummy had just got Kate back to sleep and came over to give me a cuddle and I threw up again. This time I got it all through Mummy's hair and a little bit on the sleeping Kate.
There was more changing of the bed. Kate ended up with Gracie again. Gracie was making very rude comments about me.
And what was Daddy doing during this drama . . . .
Sleeping! He claims that he didn't hear anything, but we don't believe him! There was a lot of crying and yelling, so I don't see how he could have possibly slept through all that.

I didn't need a bath this time, so when we were all settle back into, with Gracie back in her bed, because she was so very very horrified. Mummy had just got Kate back to sleep and came over to give me a cuddle and I threw up again. This time I got it all through Mummy's hair and a little bit on the sleeping Kate.
There was more changing of the bed. Kate ended up with Gracie again. Gracie was making very rude comments about me.
And what was Daddy doing during this drama . . . .
Sleeping! He claims that he didn't hear anything, but we don't believe him! There was a lot of crying and yelling, so I don't see how he could have possibly slept through all that.

The thing about being sick is . . .
Sunday, 22 July 2007
you get to have lots of Jelly drinks (to stop the vomiting) and Mummy makes up the couch bed in the lounge (because you are so grumpy and just want to lie around a lot).
It's not all bad being sick (especially when it is Luke being sick, not me!)
The bad thing about being sick is that Gran and Grandad were going to come and visit, but they changed their minds!

you get to have lots of Jelly drinks (to stop the vomiting) and Mummy makes up the couch bed in the lounge (because you are so grumpy and just want to lie around a lot).
It's not all bad being sick (especially when it is Luke being sick, not me!)
The bad thing about being sick is that Gran and Grandad were going to come and visit, but they changed their minds!