More cuddles with family . . .

This is my Aunty Megan giving me a cuddle (she is married to Uncle Aaron, and the boy is Finn, who is one of the twins. Behind Aunty Megan is Aunty Daphne, she is my Gran's sister . . .

This is my Uncle Troy, he is my Daddy's brother. . .

I get lots and lots and lots of cuddles from Grace. This other little girl is Cleo, she is the daughter of Uncle Aaron (who is my Daddy's twin brother and Aunty Megan). . .
Hello Dora . . .
Friday, 29 June 2007
It has been a wet and horrible weather day at our house today. So we have been inside all day, we were going to go to the library, but Mummy said it is to much like hard work in the rain, so we stayed inside and played.
I got my new Dora magazines in the mail today ( we also got some cool presents from Megan - a funky bib for Kate and t-shirts for Luke and I - thanks Megan). I got numbers 4 & 5. Each magazine comes with lots of stories and games. They also come with a CD-ROM, that is the best part because I get to play my very own games on the computer.
I didn't get dressed all day today, I love white trash days, they are all good.

It has been a wet and horrible weather day at our house today. So we have been inside all day, we were going to go to the library, but Mummy said it is to much like hard work in the rain, so we stayed inside and played.
I got my new Dora magazines in the mail today ( we also got some cool presents from Megan - a funky bib for Kate and t-shirts for Luke and I - thanks Megan). I got numbers 4 & 5. Each magazine comes with lots of stories and games. They also come with a CD-ROM, that is the best part because I get to play my very own games on the computer.
I didn't get dressed all day today, I love white trash days, they are all good.

Goodbye Grandad Alan . . .
Thursday, 28 June 2007
My Grandad Alan went home today. It has been lovely to have him at my house to play with. I think he was pleased to go home though, I think that I wore him out a little bit. Never mind on Sunday I will have Nanny Trish, Kyle and Connor to play with! Nice.
Today I went into town with Daddy. We had to go and organise the birthday cake for Gran's birthday lunch on Saturday. Then we went to McDonald's for lunch. It was quite nice to go out for lunch with just Daddy, no screaming babies in sight (we didn't have a repeat performance of the Burger King incident).
Next I went to Kindy while Daddy did messages. It was my last day of Kindy for the term, now we are on holiday. That normally means that now Mummy is going to be around more, but of course at the moment she is around all the time. That's a good thing!

My Grandad Alan went home today. It has been lovely to have him at my house to play with. I think he was pleased to go home though, I think that I wore him out a little bit. Never mind on Sunday I will have Nanny Trish, Kyle and Connor to play with! Nice.
Today I went into town with Daddy. We had to go and organise the birthday cake for Gran's birthday lunch on Saturday. Then we went to McDonald's for lunch. It was quite nice to go out for lunch with just Daddy, no screaming babies in sight (we didn't have a repeat performance of the Burger King incident).
Next I went to Kindy while Daddy did messages. It was my last day of Kindy for the term, now we are on holiday. That normally means that now Mummy is going to be around more, but of course at the moment she is around all the time. That's a good thing!

It is freezing cold here . . .
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
It is so so cold at our house in the mornings that the insides of the windows are covered with ice. The ice is so thick that you can't get the windows open. This morning our lounge was nice and warm though, because Daddy had lit the fire before he went to St John's.
Mummy and I woke up before the babies. So Mummy went to get me a bot and I looked after the babies for her. It was very very nice snuggling up to them both, they are so cute!
This morning we went to Playcentre. We haven't been for a couple of weeks, so it was lovely to go back. I had a very busy morning playing with the playdough, playing dress ups (I was Spiderman) and playing with my friend Caroline in the family corner. It was also nice to show Grandad Alan my Playcentre.

It is so so cold at our house in the mornings that the insides of the windows are covered with ice. The ice is so thick that you can't get the windows open. This morning our lounge was nice and warm though, because Daddy had lit the fire before he went to St John's.
Mummy and I woke up before the babies. So Mummy went to get me a bot and I looked after the babies for her. It was very very nice snuggling up to them both, they are so cute!
This morning we went to Playcentre. We haven't been for a couple of weeks, so it was lovely to go back. I had a very busy morning playing with the playdough, playing dress ups (I was Spiderman) and playing with my friend Caroline in the family corner. It was also nice to show Grandad Alan my Playcentre.

Back to Playcentre . . .
Hooray they took me to Playcentre today! Playcentre is my thing, but I haven't been for two weeks. I had a great time, playing with all the toys and seeing all the people.
Today was a bonus day too, because I got to show my Grandad what I get up to at Playcentre.
Tonight after tea I have been reading books with my Grandad. Nice.

Today was a bonus day too, because I got to show my Grandad what I get up to at Playcentre.
Tonight after tea I have been reading books with my Grandad. Nice.

Lots of things to do . . .
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
I didn't go to Kindy with Geraldine today because my Grandad Alan is staying with us. I have spent most of my day playing with Grandad. We have been playing lots and lots of games.
Grandad Alan went to bed very early, I think I might have worn him out.
Today Mummy download a new game, it is a chicken game and I can play it! I am very good at the new game actually.

I didn't go to Kindy with Geraldine today because my Grandad Alan is staying with us. I have spent most of my day playing with Grandad. We have been playing lots and lots of games.
Grandad Alan went to bed very early, I think I might have worn him out.
Today Mummy download a new game, it is a chicken game and I can play it! I am very good at the new game actually.

Lots of places to be . . .
Monday, 25 June 2007
We have had a busy busy day. This morning we left early and went into town so we could go to Chipmunks. I had a great time showing Grandad Alan around Chipmunks. We played there for ages and ages.
Our next stop was to Burger King for lunch. That wasn't terribly successful because Luke and I both had a complete melt down. That wasn't fun for anyone really.
Then we went to see Paula to have Kate checked out. She is doing all the things she should be doing. She is piling on the weight, now she weighs 4650 grams (that is 10 lb 4 oz in Nana weight).
After Paula's house we went to Kindy. We were nearly an hour late for Kindy (with the Burger King melt down everything got behind). But that was okay because Mummy, Luke, Grandad and Kate all came to Kindy with me. I was able to show Grandad Alan my Kindy and all the things that I do there. I showed him how to do the wooding, how to make some pictures and the family corner. Nice.
Finally we went to have a cup of tea with Gran. I ate lots of Gran's biscuits and Apricots - so by the time we finally got home I wasn't hungry enough to eat the roast chicken dinner that Daddy had made.

What a day . . .
This morning we went into town early. Our first stop was to Chipmunks. Within about five minutes of arriving there I walked past a table, banged into it my head and then, while screaming because that really really hurt, I turned to walk away and slip on the floor and ended up flat on my back. That wasn't a very pleasant experience.
The rest of my time there was fine, I played with my Grandad. I found lots and lots of little balls and put them back where they were supposed to go. I also went down the really big slide. Excellent, that was lots of fun.
Next we went to Burger King for lunch. I was very very tired by then. It looks ages to get served, I was in a foul mood by the time we got our lunch. Then when we sat down I lost the plot entirely. I screamed and cried and threw things on the floor. Gracie went out in sympathy and did the same thing. She howled and cried and made a big fuss. The other people in the Burger King were staring and muttering. Mummy and Grandad were very patient. Mummy sat me on her knee and rubbed my back until I fell asleep.
I don't think we are going back to Burger King anymore.
The good news is I did get to go to Kindy in the afternoon. Nice.

The rest of my time there was fine, I played with my Grandad. I found lots and lots of little balls and put them back where they were supposed to go. I also went down the really big slide. Excellent, that was lots of fun.
Next we went to Burger King for lunch. I was very very tired by then. It looks ages to get served, I was in a foul mood by the time we got our lunch. Then when we sat down I lost the plot entirely. I screamed and cried and threw things on the floor. Gracie went out in sympathy and did the same thing. She howled and cried and made a big fuss. The other people in the Burger King were staring and muttering. Mummy and Grandad were very patient. Mummy sat me on her knee and rubbed my back until I fell asleep.
I don't think we are going back to Burger King anymore.
The good news is I did get to go to Kindy in the afternoon. Nice.

Hello Grandad Alan . . .
Sunday, 24 June 2007
Hooray my Grandad Alan has come for a sleep over at my house! I am even going to let Grandad Alan sleep in my bed! I hope he likes glow in the dark stars!
Today I have spent all morning waiting and waiting for Grandad Alan to turn up. While I was waiting and waiting for him to show up I have been playing shops and with the little people.
This afternoon I have been showing Grandad Alan my toys, we have been playing lots of games. I think I am going to enjoy having him here to stay.

Today I have spent all morning waiting and waiting for Grandad Alan to turn up. While I was waiting and waiting for him to show up I have been playing shops and with the little people.
This afternoon I have been showing Grandad Alan my toys, we have been playing lots of games. I think I am going to enjoy having him here to stay.

Getting me into trouble . . .
Saturday, 23 June 2007
I have been playing with the little people toys today. Mostly I let Luke play too, but we did get into some terrible rows over who should be playing with which toys.
He got me into terrible trouble also. When he does something I don't like I yell really really loudly at him and he bursts into tears. Then I get told off! How unfair is that? He started it.
I told Mummy that I don't love him anymore. I think that we should sell him.
We shouldn't sell Kate though, because I love her. Today I lifted her off the couch and put her on the floor, all by myself. I am very very helpful, I was trying to help get her ready for her bath.

I have been playing with the little people toys today. Mostly I let Luke play too, but we did get into some terrible rows over who should be playing with which toys.
He got me into terrible trouble also. When he does something I don't like I yell really really loudly at him and he bursts into tears. Then I get told off! How unfair is that? He started it.
I told Mummy that I don't love him anymore. I think that we should sell him.
We shouldn't sell Kate though, because I love her. Today I lifted her off the couch and put her on the floor, all by myself. I am very very helpful, I was trying to help get her ready for her bath.

Another busy day . . .
Friday, 21 June 2007
I have been helping with Kate and with Luke today. We made a tent in the port-a-cot (but only when Kate wasn't in it though).
I have been giving Kate lots of cuddles and kisses. BUT YOU HAVE TO BE VERY CAREFUL OF HER HEAD WHEN YOU PICK HER UP!!!!!!!!!!
I also had a bath with both Luke and Kate today. Kate didn't stay in for long though, so I mostly had to play with Luke.

I have been giving Kate lots of cuddles and kisses. BUT YOU HAVE TO BE VERY CAREFUL OF HER HEAD WHEN YOU PICK HER UP!!!!!!!!!!
I also had a bath with both Luke and Kate today. Kate didn't stay in for long though, so I mostly had to play with Luke.