We have been on a big trip today. We drove over to Picton so Megan could catch the Ferry back to Wellington. She hasn't been on the Ferry in nearly 20 years. I'm not sure how long that is, but it sounds like a really really long time. When we got to Picton we had some lunch, while we were waiting for lunch Megan and I went to the bookshop so she could get a book to read on the Ferry, and she brought a book for me too! But I didn't get to read it on the Ferry, I read it on the way home (thanks Megan).
Before we dropped Megan off at the Ferry we went to the park. In the picture off the pirate ship I am standing right up the top. Luke wasn't allowed to go up there because he is to little. We had a play at the park and then walk over to the Ferry Terminal. I saw the boat Megan went on, it was huge! I don't know how she is going to manage to row it all the way to Wellington! Good luck!
After that we went back to the park. We went on a little train, it is only 20 cents for a ride! That's a bargain! We went on it twice! I also got to go on the Merry-Go-Round. First I went on a yellow plane, then I went on a blue plane. I was quite keen on going on a horse, but Mummy said no they didn't look like a good idea for little girls, because if you don't hold on the whole time you will fall off. I didn't like to sound of that at all. I was more than happy to go in the plane.
Finally we drove home again. By the time we got back to Nelson Luke and I were both very grumpy, so we stopped at Gran and Grandad's house for a visit. Nice it is lucky for us that they live on the way home.
Thanks for coming to stay at our house Megan, I told Mummy that I liked having you to stay and that you should come back again.