Blood and screaming (Grandad Alan you might not want to read this one) . . .
When Mummy had finished work she took Luke and I to the swimming pool across the road, because it is so so hot here today. I love going to the swimming pool. There were also lots of kiddies there today that I knew, so there were lots of people for me to play with.
Tonight Luke and I had our tea at the picnic table, then when I was coming inside I stubbed my toe and ripped the top of it right of (and deeply). There was lots and lots of blood and lots and lots of screaming. Mummy couldn't get a look at what had happened for ages because of all the blood and the screaming. She put me in the bath, and that calmed me right down and washed all the blood away. It is very very very sore.
I now have lots of plasters on my toe, I was sound asleep (in the Mummy bed) by ten past six.