My Daddy has been at home looking after us for nearly two weeks and I have learnt a new word! When I was in the bath with Luke this evening I told Mummy that Luke is a f#$%^n ratbag. I think Daddy is in terrible trouble now.
Today we went down to Playcentre for the whole session, so I wasn't ripped off at all. We also went to the library with the Playcentre today so I got out a new book for Mummy to read to me. Nice.
I have been helping out again today, I showed Mummy how I can change Luke's nappy. Well I tried - she did most of it.
I am having a bit of a problem with that baby at the moment, he keeps trying to take my stuff! This afternoon he kept trying to take my chippies, so they put him in the high chair and gave him some grated cheese. Nice, I love grated cheese!
Things I have learnt today:
Just because Daddy says a word does not mean that I am allowed to say it too.
Luke likes to share his food with me.