And then there were three . . .


Still not telling what happened at Kindy . . .

Monday, 12 March 2007

It is back to Monday so we have had Daddy looking after us today. This morning we have been playing families. For a Daddy who worked from midnight until 7 am he has been very good at playing games today.
We packed up after lunch and went into town so I could go to Kindy. I told Mummy that I did nothing at Kindy, so she can't tell you anything about that.

I didn't have a sleep on the way home and neither to Luke - I think we are going to bed early tonight, well that is Mummy's plan. This afternoon Daddy has been making paper airplanes for me, Luke and I have been playing outside and we have also been playing with the playdough. But he was such a pain I had to get Mummy to take him away.


  • At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There seems to be a reoccuring message in you entries Grace - Is Luke always a pain

  • At 7:04 PM, Blogger A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…

    sometimes he is alright Aunty Kirsty, when he does what I tell him to do. But that isn't very often. Brothers! You have one, how did you train him?

  • At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm still trying to train him now Gracie. I don't think they ever change


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