Hello Charlie and Katie . . .
Saturday, 20 Jan 2007

This morning Charlie and Katie came to visit us! They are our blog friends, who we met last year in Christchurch. It was great to see them again. They brought me a Dora bell for my bike, I am going to get Grandad Alan to put it on my Dora bike in Greymouth tomorrow.
They came for morning tea - which we had outside at the picnic table (I love eating outside at the picnic table). Then the Mummy's were chatting so I played with Katie. She is a great girl to play with, I showed her my doll's house and how I could work the computer all by myself. Mummy thinks she might have been a bit bored, but she was a very good sport.
When they left (and Charlie had done the dishes for Mummy - thanks Charlie) we finished packing up the car and went to Reefton. We went to see Nana Hunt and Aunty Bev. I, of course, had a very busy afternoon keeping the people entertained. It was lousy weather but we still managed to get outside between showers. We picked peas and raspberries and I played on my Dora bike.
After our tea and bath we had a sleep over at their house! I like sleep overs when my Mummy is there.

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