About Me
- Name: A day in the life of Grace and Luke
- Location: Nelson, South Island, New Zealand
Grace and Luke are brother and sister. This is a daily account of the things that they get up to . . . together and separately
Previous Posts
- Aquariums and parcels . . .
- I had a go on Gracie's swing . . .
- Buses and hairdressers . . .
- One of these babies is me and one of these babies ...
- It's not the man flu, but even so . . .
- Poor me . . .
- Little bastard . . .
- A new experience for Daddy . . .
- Mummy's little helper . . .
- And todays trick is . . .
At 6:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I shall try very hard to pretend that today's posts never happened.
Cheers, mr.hunt
(going to wash my eyes now)
At 7:24 PM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
Dad said said ACC pay out very well if you know how to work the system.
At 8:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well Lukey. i know we all said you look like your daddy, but i see a whole lot of Uncle Brenton in this photo.
aunty mary
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
and o i share the sentiments about rugby. Joel is dead keen to switch codes and go rugby. Why? why? why ? soccer is so much more skillfull i think LOL
At 3:23 PM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
Mummy says stupid bloody rugby, but don't tell Daddy she said that
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