It's not the man flu, but even so . . .
I am so very very tired today. I was awake from midnight until the wee small hours. I pleaded and begged for ages for a bot. Finally I think I was so very pitiful that she went and got one for me. Also she was a bit worried that I wasn't well because I was so pitiful. That's something to remember.
I feel terrible today, my nose is running, my throat is sore and of course I am very very tired. Luke is not well and Mummy is not well, we all feel terrible. I didn't even get out of my pj's until after lunch, then Mummy made me get changed because apparently we are not white trash.
If you get to wear your pj's all day I think I would like to be white trash.
Mummy and I have played lots of games today and read lots of books. We played doctors and Paula (she was the midwife), hairdressers, kitchens and cafes.
My Daddy brought me some tissues and cough lollies this afternoon. Nice.
Things I have learnt today:
Henry Mytton does not like to play hairdressers.
I am not allowed to push the spray bottle into the babies head to make it work.

I feel terrible today, my nose is running, my throat is sore and of course I am very very tired. Luke is not well and Mummy is not well, we all feel terrible. I didn't even get out of my pj's until after lunch, then Mummy made me get changed because apparently we are not white trash.
If you get to wear your pj's all day I think I would like to be white trash.
Mummy and I have played lots of games today and read lots of books. We played doctors and Paula (she was the midwife), hairdressers, kitchens and cafes.
My Daddy brought me some tissues and cough lollies this afternoon. Nice.
Things I have learnt today:
Henry Mytton does not like to play hairdressers.
I am not allowed to push the spray bottle into the babies head to make it work.

At 7:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're not white trash, Gracie. Apparently white trash are people who have chooks in the kitchen.
Cheers, mr.hunt
At 9:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Or flying on the outside brick wall of their house
At 7:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi there. Poor Mytons being all sick.
Don't come visiting the faulkner household o fsr we are all well pretty much.
Still in our jamas though, mind you it's still only 7 a.m.. so I guess that's OK.
get better soon.
O and about the whte trash and the chooks inside. i have some relatives like that!!!!!!!
At 7:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Shush Mary!!!!
Cheers mr.hunt
(who has got NO chooks - now)
At 9:24 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
Mr Hunt we just looked up white ttrash in the dictionary and there was your photo right there
(surrounded by chooks in the lounge!)
At 6:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
(2nd attempt)
That can't b right.
I know white trash when i c them. I had a family of them in the village yesterday. He was about 50, she was about 20, the mother-in-law was about 35. They had more kids than teeth and i couldn't figure which kids belonged to which mother.
They came over from Chch especially to see me.
No - wait - how do you delete comments?
Cheers, mr.hunt
At 8:31 AM,
A day in the life of Grace and Luke said…
from Christchurch? Are you sure they weren't from Reefton?
At 11:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
But Mr Hunt my family and I really enjoyed visiting your village and when our next child is born we planned to call him Hunter. After such rude comments as those we think we will just call him Jim-Bob. Oh and keep paying your taxes, they are funding my new false teeth.
Ms Phyllis White-Trash.
At 4:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOL - Classic!
Whoops - humble apologies Phyllis,.
Cheers mr hunt
(PS - please tell the myttons that you're not from Reefton)
At 8:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why Mr Hunt, will it get you in trouble if I don't??? Suffer!!!
Ms Phyllis White-Trash
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