Sometimes plans change . . .
My Nanny left the house early early this morning to go to Sydney to see my cousin Jarvis. What a lucky Nanny I hope she has a great time over there, but how could she not?
We were supposed to be taking Nana Hunt and Grandad up to Westport today for Aunty Barbara's funeral (she would have been my Great, Great Aunty - but I never met her). But the bloody boy flu is still here, so we are a bit house bound.
Mummy and I did go over to town this morning to get some stuff, but had to be quick because Grandad was looking after Luke and he doesn't sleep for very long. Luke that is, not Grandad.
We also went out to drop Grandad and Nana at Fizzy's house, so she could take them to Westport. The good news was on the way home Luke went to sleep so we went down to the tip head and saw a boat going out over the bar, that was exciting - I would like to be on that boat!
After that Mummy and I went for a walk along the wharf, because Luke was still sleeping. We saw two boats called Grace! Imagine that, what a great name for boat.
I suspect our wandering for the day is over because of the boy flu. I also suspect the girl flu isn't very far away. I shall have to keep Mummy busy this afternoon colouring in and playing with my Doll's house. Nice.

We were supposed to be taking Nana Hunt and Grandad up to Westport today for Aunty Barbara's funeral (she would have been my Great, Great Aunty - but I never met her). But the bloody boy flu is still here, so we are a bit house bound.
Mummy and I did go over to town this morning to get some stuff, but had to be quick because Grandad was looking after Luke and he doesn't sleep for very long. Luke that is, not Grandad.
We also went out to drop Grandad and Nana at Fizzy's house, so she could take them to Westport. The good news was on the way home Luke went to sleep so we went down to the tip head and saw a boat going out over the bar, that was exciting - I would like to be on that boat!
After that Mummy and I went for a walk along the wharf, because Luke was still sleeping. We saw two boats called Grace! Imagine that, what a great name for boat.
I suspect our wandering for the day is over because of the boy flu. I also suspect the girl flu isn't very far away. I shall have to keep Mummy busy this afternoon colouring in and playing with my Doll's house. Nice.

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